Our ex-so-called president

It has been to me for a long time. My maternal grandmother died of Altzheimer’s and a lot of his behavior reminds me of her. These more recent videos of him wandering off and his recent, less coherent tweets seem to indicate he is getting worse.


Alzheimer’s runs in my family as well. It can be masked for a while, and then it gets really bad really fast. Then it plateaus, then it gets even worse even faster.


This may have been the closest attempt:


I’m reluctant to jump to Alzheimers so quickly, but from what I saw in the video:

  • there’s a pause where he’s behind the limo and we can’t see what he’s doing or saying
  • when he strides off to the side, he’s walking quickly, confidently, head up.

I know the second behaviour is something people with dementia do to cover up (aka “I did that on purpose”). Trump, however, has a history of doing whatever the hell he wants and not caring if it holds everyone else up. He doesn’t suit presidential travel agendas that are planned and timed to the minute for both the photo op and for security.

There’s also a third option: that he’s cracking up but it’s not dementia.


Didn’t we have that with Reagan? Wasn’t he supposed to be unable to tell Iran from Iraq? Trump at least seems to know which one is Iran, the problem is that he thinks he can tell Saudi Arabia from a load of repressive, regressive head-chopping terrorism-spreading Muslim schismatics, whereas the rest of the world looks from one to the other and has trouble telling the difference (except oil).


I didn’t write the headline. I think the reports on this are inflammatory. However, he has several senior moments that I find unsettling. It’s hard to say how much this is happening and his often he has more clarity.


[quote=“gadgetgirl, post:84, topic:499”]
There’s also a third option: that he’s cracking up but it’s not dementia.
[/quote]This is my basic, uneducated opinion. He’s cracking under the incredible pressure, bad ratings, etc. and he’s only “alive” at his continued campaigning and rallies.


And, he should have been able to figure out that it would be like this, but he was high on his own boner the whole campaign.


You think he’s aware of this?

My guess is he’s trying to figure out why he doesn’t get appearance fees any more.


Maybe it’s syphilis-related, or plain ol’ rabies. Old Yellerish-Red


I thought it might be syphilis for a while, but it probably isn’t.


I am ever so slightly worried that a 25th amendment solution might be used to let the Republicans off the hook to the extent possible under the circumstances.

Imagine touching pictures of Ivanka and a drugged-up Trump feeding ducks in the park of the world’s tackiest sanatorium. President Pence laments all the horrible people who gave this great American who desperately tried to keep it together and serve his country such a hard time that he broke down under the pressure. But it is time for America to heel heal, so he is willing to forgive the haters and move on. No inconvenient lessons will have to be learned that day.


Typo for heal? Freudian slip? Or is that exactly what you meant to type?


America turned heel long ago


Now I wish it wasn’t a typo.


It’s still great :smile:

And, a far cry from my worst typo. No one is named Shitney. :blush:


My phone accidentally called Whitney whiney, but she deserved it.


There’s plenty of non-Alzheimers dementia to choose from. Has his bloodwork included a biopsy for BSE or similar? If ever a cannibal walked among us, that dipshit is entitled enough to have tried it. Minus the Chianti.


Just a thought—if the only way to peacefully diffuse the North Korea crisis is for China to finally cut NK loose, and the only way to convince China to do that is to make it seem likely that the US will otherwise spend millions of lives to resolve it by force, then in this particular instance it actually plays in our favor to have a president who’s batshit insane.


There already was a peaceful de-escalation, when the US (under Clinton iirc) offered light water reactors in exchange for disarmament, thereby solving the North Korean energy crisis and giving the Kims a tangible reward that they could present to their population and not lose face.

This was reversed under Dubya, whose bellicose Axis of Evil rhetoric made pretty damn sure that North Korea had no choice but to rearm. Still, it played well at home and I guess that’s all that counts, right?

There is a solution to this, but an ICBM dickwaving competition is a massive leap in the wrong direction. I suspect, like most of the rest of the world, China thinks Trump is full of shit, given that he has made a career of being all mouth and no trousers. Whether or not him being full of shit is fully understood by North Korea is another matter entirely…