A World Turned Upside Down: Australian News

Never heard of him, but I can say without fear of contradiction that he’s a cunt.



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Why does it seem that the USA and Australia are…well, a lot alike? Before I started digging under the surface of history, I always thought that Australia was like a southern Canada, only an island (this is also pre-“Crocodile Dundee” which is not a good example from which to learn about Oz; “The Sundowners” with Robert Mitchum may not be as modern, but it at least seems closer to reality). And even Canada isn’t all sunshine and light.

And all I can think of is to blame the British.

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One of the cool things about combining preferential voting and proportional representation is the wild diversity of microparties that come and go:

Digging through OzPol wiki, and I found this guy. Australia’s only state-level elected Commie:


White supremacist settler colonies based in genocide and slavery [1].


OTOH, let’s not exempt the settlers from blame. The USA pretty much took over the empire, and white Australia has never offered any real resistance to it.


[1] While Oz never had formalised racialised chattel slavery, it had absolute fucktons of every other type of forced servitude. Irish convicts, Indigenous captives, Blackbirded islanders.


Or, if you’re in Melbourne, you could just get some nifty food for yourself.


There’s a saying that Australia is like America, just twenty years late.

Meaning we see your mistakes, see the outcomes, and then go and do exactly the same thing


And tried to duplicate it, to an extent?

That’s hilarious but dreadful.

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These days, the correlation between “fetishises the crusades” and “bloodthirsty fash” is pretty close to 100%.

Which isn’t that different to how it’s always been.


Fucked around, found out. Entirely avoidable if they [1] hadn’t prioritised the interests of capital above the public good.


[1] “They” being the governments and the corporations that own them, not the ordinary people of Sydney.

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AKA Bill Crews’ place.

Note for non-locals: Bill is a slum priest, focused his work on junkies, homeless and sex workers. Apparently one of the rare real Christians.


Darwin people beginning to learn what it’s like to live in Okinawa:

What a surprise.


The speechwriter of the leader of the party. Attempting to attack the Coalition on the basis that they didn’t cut taxes enough. On the same day as the ALP changes its policy to no longer oppose the massive tax cuts handed to the rich by the current government.

Getting more like the Democrats every day.


Antifeminist antiabortion anticommunist tradCaths, apparently. Think B.A. Santamaria and the DLP.


Kinda sorta in many different and varying ways. But history doesn’t repeat, it just rhymes a lot.

I think it’s important to remember that empires are often transnational things with shifting centres of power. The British Empire was a bit unusual in the stability and centrality of their authority; things like the Hapsburgs or Byzantines or the HRE shifted about a lot more.

These days, “the empire” isn’t one nation. It’s the entire edifice of white-dominated Euro-American-Australasian Western capitalism. Including assorted non-white non-Western suzerainties outside the imperial core, whose degree of subjugation or independence varies wildly across time and place.

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That twenty years appears to be shrinking rapidly.

Context for non-locals:

Canavan is an extreme-right fashy climate denialist fool…and a Senator. This should give an adequate impression of him…