A World Turned Upside Down: Australian News

Isn’t it nice to know that the guy who bought himself parliamentary representation is also too dim to figure out how to tweet for himself. And too cheap to hire competent minions.


Give. The. Money. Directly. To. The. Fucking. Workers.

Which is what everyone who wasn’t a corrupt piece of shit advised the government to do from the beginning.

Because this outcome was so obvious and predictable that the only reasonable conclusion is that it was intentional.


The working-class heavily-nonwhite Western suburbs get cops and soldiers and surveillance.

Meanwhile, the mostly-white yuppies of Bondi got a boozed-up street party to amuse themselves between visits to the beach.


I lived in several different houses within a few blocks of here. Erskineville/St Peters; the less-gentrified, more industrial side of Newtown.

Sydney Park (just off to the right of camera) was where we’d have the monthly punk’s picnic. Also a good spot for midnight psychedelic rampaging; lotsa cool scenery and no people in earshot.


Remember this?


It’s been a year and a half since Covid was loose in Tas, and we intend to keep it that way:

Meanwhile, over in Chicago, their daily infection rate is about the same as what’s happening in Sydney.

So, of course, they’re hosting Lollapalooza.



The USA ain’t the only white supremacist settler colony.


There’s Canada too, so don’t get…er…smug?

Let’s have some Pine Gap history again…

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BTW, guess where most of the foreign ownership of the Australian economy comes from?

Those numbers are rarely mentioned in the constant media scare pieces about Chinese investment.

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Speaking of which:

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I’m not in close contact with any medical folk these days, so I couldn’t say for sure about the experience of nurses.

We do have our share of Covid-denialist fuckwits, and they are being encouraged by the most extreme factions in Oz politics. Hanson, Canavan, Kelly, Bernardi.

However, I don’t think that sort of thing has quite the degree of mainstream support that it does in the US; it’s the most extreme fringes of the Lib/Nat Coalition, not the core of the party [1].


[1] They’re all still evil, but mostly in ye olde semi-rational capitalist bastardry manner rather than completely-demented fascist style.


I really do think these folks get more coverage than than the “sane” folks. Thanks for the info!

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Shall we criticise the Morrison government for opposing the patent waivers that have done much to exacerbate the crisis in places like Kazakhstan? Will we show solidarity with the large proportion of our supporters who have family ties to countries affected by such issues? Should we raise a discussion of the actual reasons for why Morrison’s management of Covid has been poor?

Nah, let’s just make a cheap and cliched racist joke instead.

Every fucking time.