Call me "Coupon Suz" - Frugal Tips and Freebies

Dern it!


Wow! That’s a sizable payout for a class action.


I know! I was SHOCKED. Usually I get like $5. I honestly don’t remember signing up for it.


Maybe that’s why the compensation was so high? Not many class members knew about the lawsuit


Maybe so. It makes me feel like it’s worthwhile to keep at it. Usually the little I get helps pay for some groceries when the cash rolls in.

I go through these sites:

I don’t know many subscribers they have, but anyone giving away free money is going to get some traffic; but, I could also see a lot of people signing up for the newsletters and then starting to ignore them.


Here’s a good one a lot of people probably qualify for:

If You Bought a Domestic Airline Ticket on American, Delta, Southwest, United, Continental, or US Airways Between July 1, 2011 and June 14, 2018

It’s been partly settled, but they are seeking more funds from 2 other airlines:

The Settlements include all persons and entities:

That purchased air passenger transportation services for flights,

  • Within the United States and its territories and the District of Columbia,
  • From Defendants or any predecessor, subsidiary or affiliate thereof, including US Airways and Continental,
  • At any time between July 1, 2011 and December 20, 2017 for the Southwest Settlement, and
  • At any time between July 1, 2011 and June 14, 2018 for the American Settlement.

They don’t have claim documents to file yet, but you can register here to follow it:



This company does focus group studies and will pay you for your time if selected and you live in one of their areas of focus. I’ve filled out surveys for them before, though sadly never picked.


If you live in an area they’re looking for people, and you happen to want to do it, and you want to put me down as a reference send me a private message and i can share my name. But no pressure if you’d rather not do the reference part :slight_smile:


I just realized that by filling out these forms for the class action lawsuits, I must be getting into the databases of these companies. I was informed by email that I’m a member of a class for a lawsuit against MGM hotel in Las Vegas. When I went to fill out the form, the address they had listed was from when I lived in Wilmington, NC, which was 18 years ago…and that is when I went to Vegas. It’s weird because my last name was different, my phone number was different, but I am using the same email address. I’m not sure how they matched me in their system to notify me.


It’s scary how much information has been compiled on us and available for the right price. Yet, simultaneously, I cannot convince these oil and gas leasing companies that I do not own, nor could I have ever inherited, that piece of land they want so damned badly.
Maybe they just haven’t paid the right price.


I mean, you could try to sell it to them :slight_smile:
Yes, I’ve gotten very wary of data collection with the current political environment. For a while, I was doing YouGov surveys, but they just collect your data to sell, and I don’t think I want to sell away all my info on my political ideas.


I got a text today from the Further & Further folks (i filled out the pre-screening survey yesterday) and they wanted to set up a 10-15 minute Zoom to verify some personal details and find out more about me. Seems like the focus group/research is shopping related (online vs brick & mortar), the person that called me was very nice and thinks i’ll be a good fit to partake in the group call later on. Hope i get picked because you know… money :stuck_out_tongue:


I hope you get it!!!


Excerpt: Available exclusively through the McDonald’s App on Sunday, March 2, customers can choose between an Egg or Sausage McMuffin with Egg for just one dollar. And if you can’t make it on Sunday, from March 3 to March 30, you can grab buy-one-get-one Sausage McMuffins with Egg when placing a McDelivery order through the app. Considering the sandwich typically costs around $6.29 or $6.49 depending on where you live and what type you order, this is a major steal.

NOTE: McDonald’s has a comprehensive DEI policy, if there’s a concern with supporting McD. Personally, I find their plain coffee to be far better than Starbuck’s burnt beans brews.


In other words, egg analogues have been perfected and scaled up for mass production?


Parsing that leads to a horrible sophomoric visual.