If the U.S. is currently planning on/threatening to pull troops from various places where they are stationed, while also increasing military spending, I have to ask, what is this in aid of? What is the endgame? Speaking as a Canadian who’s country’s sovereignty is being threatened.
I’m sure my government is planning for all contingencies. I think they will try to starve us out first, and that’s what the tariffs are all about.
Those of us here who aren’t batshit crazy will have to be responsible for sending care packages & money to our beloved neighbors.
I think that the U.S. Prez in thinking it can be aggressive on all fronts will doom us. And not too far in the future.
I think you’ll have enough on your plate to worry about.
Too true. But it doesn’t absolve me from my responsibilities.
And they’ll be issued handy-dandy brown shirts so you know who they are.
And here we have the militia that Tim Snyder has warned about.
I thought that Letters of Marque only applied to pirate ships?
I assume that having his birthday turned into a holiday would mean that they would coincidentally just have to drop Juneteenth out of federal recognition. You know, to avoid having a crowded holiday season in the summer that could impact productivity.
Don orange face, a red tie, and do a little song about one’s libidinous instincts and trouble with the law?
You know… To hONor him.
I’m sad to see some of the names on her “Definitely primary” list, like Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, who seemed to be shining lights.