Well the good news is they apparently redrew the districts a little in Missouri while I was away. I’m now in Emanuel Cleaver’s district, and he voted against censure.
Speaking of Jeffries, apparently my rep, Maxine Dexter, and 10 other Dems who have been very vocal in opposition of T**** were called into his office and told to dial it down. I wrote Jeffries directly:
“My representative is Maxine Dexter, MD. Usually, I would talk with her or one of my senators, Ron Wyden or Jeff Merkleyabout any issues I have that involve Congress. Which is what I did when I attended one of Rep Dexter’s town halls in my area. I expressed the urgency of fighting the Trump Administration’s shredding of US law and the Constitution.
I expected pushback from Republicans and their MAGA cult. What I did not expect is pushback from Democrats like you. You can stand in the batter’s box and watch illegal and unconstitutional pitches go by if you’d like, but don’t suppress MY voice in Congress by muffling MY representative.
What Trump and his minions are doing now is in many ways much worse than his failed insurrection. The time to stop fascists is before tanks are in the streets. I’m deeply disappointed in congressional Democrat’s inaction. If it takes new representatives to stand up to tyranny and grift, then let them.”
We’ll see if I get a response.
Showing dick pics, harassing trans colleagues, telling people you want to beat them up outside.
Stay classy, Congressional Republicans!
So some of them finally got off their asses and did some kind of public gesture.
How has Boebert not yet shot herself in the face while peering down the barrel of a gun to see if it’s loaded?
You know what? Fuck this Party. It’s time for some lawmakers with some backbone to shake things up. The Democratic Party leadership is going to remain dignified as the entire nation burns around them, rather than picking up a fucking pail and at least trying to put out a fire or two. Jesus. I defended these assholes for awhile, because I understand their options, short of outright rebellion, are limited, but this is some bullshit. A come-to-Jesus meeting? Are they serious?
Al Green actually looked like someone who might have a spine and principles. Clearly this is a bad look since it could mislead people into thinking the Democratic party might do something at some point.
How the hell do you hear someone wonder what’s wrong with autistic kids in one breath, then sneer that God made everyone perfect as an act of cruelty to trans kids in the next, without at least booing? I’d have gotten myself ejected regardless of strategy simply because I’m human and fuck that.
Yeah. And doing fuck all other than that.
And even the finger-wagging will stop suddenly if he gets a call from Columbia…
Senate Dems form plan to avoid a shutdown
Chuck Schumer is hoping Democrats can get an amendment vote that would ease the way for his members to agree to a GOP-led government funding effort.
Republicans also need at least eight Democrats to join them in overcoming procedural hurdles to be able to move to a final vote on the funding bill known as a continuing resolution, or CR. Republicans can ultimately pass the funding bill by a simple majority, meaning they would not need Democratic votes for the final step.
Republicans currently have one Democratic “yes” vote: Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, meaning seven more are necessary to get over the 60 vote hurdle.