Thankfully this usually happens on the right too. Nacht der langen Messer needs an American remake.
Still waiting for Congressional Repubs to assert their congressional power against Mad “King” Tramp… Buncha goddamn greedy cowards.
Don’t hold your breath…
The correct answer would of course be “shoot the fascist twice”.
The lib would find that sort of thing lacking in comity.
“Da noive o’ da guy!”
Yes, but at least attitude is a 10/10
I’ll say pretty crummy lately. Better than in december though, meds are working this time
Which reminds me…
I use muscle relaxants for my lower back pain. I once had ones that did something to my memory. It was fucking weird when suddenly it was hours later and I had no idea what I had been doing… Apparently I had acted normally.
second to last batch gave me paranoia and severe muscle degradation which combined with my sedentary lifestyle (the life of a programmer!) now I have back pain and had to explain to my friends why I was twitchier than usual.
If it’s a copper it has to tell you.