Elon Musk buys Twitter

Lol. Apparently.


Truly a surprise.


to be fair, he DID put it to a vote via a poll, and trump barely won, rom what i saw. but iā€™m also interested to see how many more people flee as a result. Mastodon has been suffering a tsunami of new accounts.


Weird how a Tory only schedules a vote when it wonā€™t affect them personally, after making sure the rolls are expunged in every seat. I prefer Oregon, where voting affects actual governance.


Does anybody have a list of whoā€™s still advertising on Twitter? I feel the need for some boycotting and maybe to agitate a little. I mean beyond Twitter itself, since I donā€™t go there anymore and used an adblocker when I still did.


Iā€™m doing a Google search, ā€œwhoā€™s still advertising on Twitterā€ and even when I pick ā€œNewsā€, the results are who isnā€™t advertising there any more.

But one corp. bought an ad package:


Iā€™m not sure this is related. It seems to me that EM has forgotten, or maybe never knew of, this:

Mr. Brooks just passed, btw; heā€™s on Wikipediaā€™s recent death list today, which is how I found out about him and went down a short info-silo.


i read this morning thast CBS is the first news organization to go silent on twitter. they are stopping all usage for the time being. I hope this means that John Dickerson will start up a Mastodon feed. i miss him.


Yes, thank you, I had already done that. I was hoping for answers from people who still use Twitter. But I got nothing, both here and over at BB. I guess nobody is buying ads on Twitter anymore! Good, good. :laughing:

Canā€™t do much about SpaceX. Somehow I doubt that their buy was completely voluntary. But the only thing they sell to consumers is StarLink, which is oversubscribed in many places already. I doubt itā€™s making much money, though it does certainly provide some cash flow. I know their FB ads get a lot of clicks but few actual subscribers.

I was even more amused that even Trumpy said ā€œno thanksā€ to Elon.

I canā€™t wait to see what comes next. All those former Twitter engineers and managers, sitting home while still getting paid, waiting out their non-competes, thinking about what theyā€™d like to see. Besides Elon sitting broke in a pile of shit, of course. Heā€™s made some bad enemies for a guy who relies on tech hires.

Reminds me of the first dot-bomb timeline. All those CEOs and VCs, who, with a very few exceptions, never got back to their former glory because nobody would work for them.


I suppose it makes senseā€¦ whatā€™s he going to do, admit that ā€œTruthā€ social is a flop?

Iā€™m sure Elon took the snub well. Especially when he went through the trouble to run a poll that mostly only people who closely follow him would see, and still ended up with it just barely coming out with ā€œlet Trump back inā€ winning.


I notice that heā€™s been vewwy vewwy quiet about the ā€œhow many botsā€¦ā€ question lately as well. Funny, a month or two ago that was his biggest question.

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Iā€™m reasonably certain that non-compete clauses are unenforceable in California. As Twitter is based in California, I would expect many of its employees to also be based there, and therefore not subject to any sort of non-compete. It would not surprise me if their employees not based in California were not asked to sign a non-compete agreement, but it also wouldnā€™t surprise me if they were. In any case, Iā€™m not sure there are any staff left at Twitter who would be suitable to pursue any action against former employees anyway.


Generally, yes. Except in cases where the employer continues to pay salary and benefits, which heā€™s doing. Heā€™s using the word ā€œseveranceā€ but that is not whatā€™s actually happening. Severance is typically paid out all at once, but heā€™s not doing that. Essentially, they are still employed but have no work nor any jobs to go to, so the non-compete is valid.

This also give him time to file his CA WARN Act notices, which he did last week, after he had already ā€œfiredā€ everybody. See current WARN Act notices here.

As I think I mentioned before, heā€™s an idiot but heā€™s getting decent advice from somewhere all of a sudden. Now if heā€™d just keep his fingers off his keyboardā€¦


Is he an idiot, or merely a rich jerk?

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Iā€™ve been trying out mastodon (step 1 for me was reprogramming the wordā€™s spelling in my brain because I kept spelling it with two 'aā€™s and Iā€™ve never written the word with the spell checker on before apparently) and it definitely doesnā€™t fill the toxic hole that twitter does. Not a bad thing. Maybe Iā€™ll just go back to shitposting my nerdrage here.


I used to think the latter, but enough evidence has come to light (not just his politics and the Twitter debacle) that I now think the former. I really donā€™t know. To be fairā€¦ Maybe itā€™s organic? Drug abuse? Unmanaged or undiagnosed mental issues that are getting worse?

This is the same guy who, 20 years ago, said of one of his companies: ā€œYou want to wake up in the morning and think the future is going to be great - and thatā€™s what being a spacefaring civilization is all about. Itā€™s about believing in the future and thinking that the future will be better than the past. And I canā€™t think of anything more exciting than going out there and being among the stars.ā€

And of another: ā€œWe want to reshape the energy landscape by making solar power accessible and affordable for everyone.ā€

Heā€™s changed. And not for the better.


It seems like he has a really out of control drug problem to me.


Was considering deactivating my account, but when I went into my app settings this popped up:

Itā€™s like they were doing everything they could to get me off the platform :face_vomiting: :roll_eyes:

Fuck, I canā€™t even blame Space Karen for this one: