Elon Musk buys Twitter

He’s dcmcishet, and pushing that on everyone, so it’s not a kink, it’s defending traditional violence.

But if we’re not, it’s considered a kink. Sick sick “existence” and “respect” and “being treated as human beings” kinks.

I thought it was more of a self-deprecating, “I’m out of shape and I know it” kind of thing. Though, unfortunately, he’s just such an “I’m better/smarter than everyone else” kind of person so much of the time, that the self-deprecation really doesn’t come off as sincere.



Finding innovative new ways to make his product irrelevant.


No wonder some of his kids were conceived out-of-womb. Eeuw.



Musk is worthy of and deserving of ridicule. Assisted fertility techniques are not.


When they’re used to carry on his genetic line, they are. I mean, it’s like he & the mom (s?) used it as a convenience, not as a necessity.

But under other circumstances, no, they’re not.

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Twitter put out a ridiculously useless “Update on Twitter’s Rate Limits” that is full of corporate speak nonsense and clarifies literally nothing:

To ensure the authenticity of our user base we must take extreme measures to remove spam and bots from our platform. That’s why we temporarily limited usage so we could detect and eliminate bots and other bad actors that are harming the platform. Any advance notice on these actions would have allowed bad actors to alter their behavior to evade detection.

At a high level, we are working to prevent these accounts from 1) scraping people’s public Twitter data to build AI models and 2) manipulating people and conversation on the platform in various ways.

I really have to wonder what kind of absolute idiot would use general scraped data from Twitter to build an AI model. Or, on the flip side, why Twitter would think that excuse would cover for drastically decreasing the usefulness of Twitter.


Twitter started this year with a legal victory that forced thousands of laid-off employees into arbitration. These employees had been suing over grievances like unpaid severance and discrimination, and the win spared Twitter from facing a class-action lawsuit.

Its arbitration agreements require ex-employees to pay a nominal filing fee to launch claims with the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services (JAMS), but after that, Twitter has to pay “all other arbitration fees.”

A lawyer representing ex-employees, Shannon Liss-Riordan, told Bloomberg that Twitter seemingly didn’t realize how high the cost of forcing arbitration with so many employees would be.

Twitter has settled with software engineer Alexis Camacho, Bloomberg reported. This settlement comes after the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) decided Camacho was “illegally punished” for her efforts rallying coworkers to protest Twitter owner Elon Musk’s return-to-office mandate.

An NLRB spokesperson, Kayla Blado, told Bloomberg that if Twitter didn’t settle, the NLRB would have issued a complaint. Federal law protects workers’ rights to discuss workplace conditions and take collective action.

I’m genuinely surprised that the threat of a complaint would motivate them on this matter. It’s not as though Twitter has much of a reputation to uphold at this point.

The terms of Twitter’s settlement with Camacho have not been disclosed. However, Liss-Riordan represented Camacho, too, and she told Bloomberg she was “very pleased” with the “fair resolution” reached in this case.

I can’t speak for her character in any other context, but she certainly comes off as a hero in this one. She will likely walk away with a well-deserved pile of Musk’s money for her efforts.


“No sense makes sense.” - Charles Manson.


He seems to have silently undone the change that forced you to login before being able to view links from other sites. Too bad, that would have been the end of it, I think. You piss off Google at your peril, even if you’re a billionaire.


Twitter’s Elon Musk said “competition is fine, cheating is not” - but Meta denied claims in a legal letter that ex-Twitter staff helped create Threads.

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So they decided to … “Kick out the JAMS”? :joy:

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In today’s stupid Elon news, Elon decided to sue the lawyers who completed the sale of Twitter shares to him, because Elon Musk is a giant pissbaby.


At least it’s no longer just metaphorical.

