Elon Musk buys Twitter

He’s been feeling bad. His big rocket done blowded up.







Twitter servers fell over. For a lot of people. Repeatedly.

I have been permanently suspended from twitter for either blocking too hard, or for making nazis feel unsafe. Either way is pretty funny to me. Ten years, goodbye!

I was the maintainer of the extension bluesBlocker, for the record.


lol, lmao


In an unprompted Tuesday email, Musk wrote: “So is NPR going to start posting on Twitter again, or should we reassign @NPR to another company?”

Under Twitter’s terms of service, an account’s inactivity is based on logging in, not tweeting. Those rules state that an account must be logged into at least every 30 days, and that “prolonged inactivity” can result in it being permanently removed.

Musk did not answer when asked whether he planned to change the platform’s definition of inactivity and he declined to say what prompted his new questions about NPR’s lack of participation on Twitter.

In an email sent at 2:19 a.m. EST after the story was originally published, Musk wrote a message without any text in the body but with this subject line: “You suck.”

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In the controversial tweets, Musk compared George Soros, a Jewish-born investor and philanthropist, to Marvel’s Jewish supervillain Magneto and claimed that Soros “hates humanity” and “wants to erode the very fabric of civilization.”

Musk disputed the characterization of these tweets as antisemitic, telling Faber, “I’m like a pro-semite, if anything.” He then made it clear that he didn’t want to talk further about Soros.


Clearly, he’s deranged; someone’s going to get hurt physically, I fear.

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Of course Musk’s twitter would be focused on labeling NPR and BBC as “state media” but would give RT a pass.


Well, shit. I was hoping he would decide not to.

But at least he and Trump will be at each other’s throats for a while.


Yeah, who needs a third-party candidate to split the vote, lol?!

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The “Don’t say gay” bill, the people he tricked onto that plane, the fight with Disney. All of these things, and more, are solely about raising his profile for a particular type of voter in preparation for this. I would be more surprised if he didn’t run. If he remains governor, he might have to deal with the consequences of one or more of these messes that he created.

That actually opens up an intriguing possibility. Imagine that DeSantis wins the R nomination. Do you think that Trump is just going to concede? I would bet that there’s a non-zero possibility that Trump continues running as an independent, thereby diluting the voting pool and almost guaranteeing a Democrat win.

Honestly, even if Trump somehow manages to get re-elected in 2024, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he just keeps campaigning for re-election afterwards. Neither logic nor legality has been a hindrance before now, so why would that change?

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The Bluff St. landlord sued Twitter in May. Lot 2 SBO’s lawsuit sought possession of the building and “past-due rent, attorneys’ fees and costs, and both pre-judgment and post-judgment interest,” the Denver Post wrote.

According to the Denver Business Journal, the lawsuit “alleges that Twitter set up a letter of credit for $968,000 that the landlord could draw upon if the company failed to pay its rent, and the lease agreement said Twitter must replenish that letter of credit within 10 days if that were to happen.” Prior to the lawsuit’s filing, Lot 2 SBO drew from the letter of credit to cover the unpaid rent, and Twitter reportedly did not replenish the funds.


Twitter executives “repeatedly promised Plaintiff and the company’s other employees that 2022 bonuses would be paid out at fifty percent of target. This promise was repeated following Musk’s acquisition,” alleged the complaint filed yesterday in US District Court for the Northern District of California.

What does at fifty percent of target mean?

Musk’s cost-cutting isn’t limited to the massive staff cuts and alleged nonpayment of bonuses. There are over 20 lawsuits from vendors and landlords claiming that Twitter failed to pay bills for services, products, or rent. A judge ordered Twitter to be evicted from an office building in Boulder, Colorado, over unpaid rent, and Twitter was sued for nonpayment of rent at its San Francisco headquarters, at another San Francisco building, and at its UK headquarters.

All of this would be hilarious if not for all the needless human suffering caused by this man’s ego.

Twitter did not respond to a request for comment today, unless you count the customary poop emoji that the company’s public relations email sends as an auto-reply to press inquiries.

A real captain of industry, this guy.


It sounds like there’s a targeted amount of bonus that the company pays into a fund for, and the promise was to pay at least half of that target:

  1. Throughout the year, Twitter funds the Bonus Plan based upon a target amount. Historically, the company has paid out at least 50% of the target each year. Traditionally, employees who were separated based upon job elimination, prior to the payout date, were paid one hundred percent (100%) of their targeted bonus.
  1. Twitter’s actions throughout 2022 reinforced the promise conveyed by Segal and its other management employees that employees, including Plaintiff, would be paid their annual bonus at fifty percent (50%) of target.

  2. Specifically, consistent with its past practice and the promises made by management to its employees, Twitter did in fact fund the Bonus Plan at fifty percent (50%) of targeted employee bonuses for 2022. The money for employees’ annual bonuses under the Bonus Plan was accounted for by Twitter’s financial team and was available to be paid to Twitter’s employees during the first quarter of 2023.


Jewish people are getting physically hurt because of the hateful comments that are spreading online, and especially when people like Musk participate.


I read this and now I can’t stop feeling very weird, like the whole world got invited into his kink, against our wishes.

Mr Musk, who turns 52 later this month, also tweeted: “I have this great move that I call ‘The Walrus’, where I just lie on top of my opponent & do nothing.”