And let’s not forget Claude Frollo, the zealot who surely served as a role model for many MAGA folks who were coming of age in the 1990’s.
A trans Christian called Anderson.
When was the last openly religious but non-Christian character, I wonder? Hercules maybe?
That probably depends a lot on whether being personal friends with gods like Thor or Maui and occasionally asking them for help counts as being religious.
Thor: Love and Thunder featured many, many gods but my favorite was the god of Korg’s people, who was a stone guy sitting atop a throne made of scissors.
As a more serious answer to your question about someone with relatively conventional, non-Christian religious beliefs, maybe Kamala Khan from Ms. Marvel?
What religion was Bambi?
Maybe this “deer god” that I’ve heard people mention.
The deer god in heaven? I think Harold be his name.
Sounds Danny! I’d be oKaye with that.
Ah, see, that shows how little I know about all this. I thought Harold was a Christmas angel.
Unless he’s taxidermied, in which case we’d need to say, Hollowed be thy name.
Like they say at funerals:
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and into the hole he goes.
Who is Art, in Heaven.
Robin of Sherwood’s Herne might fit the bill. Or he may have been culturally appropriating from deer.
Florida AG launches criminal investigation into Tate brothers
Florida’s new attorney general said Tuesday that his office has secured and executed subpoenas and warrants in an ongoing criminal investigation.
“These guys have themselves publicly admitted to participating in what very much appears to be soliciting, trafficking, preying upon women around the world,” Uthmeier said.
“In Florida, this type of behavior is viewed as atrocious,” he added. “We’re not going to accept it. They chose to come here and set their feet down in this state, and we’re going to pursue every tool we have within our legal authority to hold them accountable.”
Have you thought about investigating the behavior at 1100 South Ocean Boulevard, Palm Beach? That’s got some atrocious behavior too.
I’m not impressed. It’s a given that Trump pressured Romania to lift travel ban on the Tates, perhaps to help normalize the horribleness of Trump and to satisfy similarly twisted manosphere-dwelling constituents. But Florida’s (i.e. DeSantis’) move is less about that than about dissing Trump without having to meet him head-on as suggested by @Millie_Fink