Game of Thrones, final season discussion ☠ SPOILERS WITHIN ☠

In lieu of anything interesting to write, I will instead post a picture of GRRM in a DeLorean:


I doubt this will ever really happen, but if it does the producers had better be really good with CGI creatures. Maybe the people who did Primeval could take a shot at it.

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After waiting for weeks for my HBO-subscribing friends to have a spare evening – we’ve watched every episode with them thus far – my household gave up and watched this season in one giant binge this weekend.

Finally, I can read social media again without screaming at friends about spoilers.

So, uh, carry on!


Seems like something similar must have happened with the writers on the show trying to get any help from George RR Martin.

“So, we just gave up and wrote the whole season in one giant binge over the weekend.”


ok, so finally back from the burn, and while one of the camps had figured out how to air the finale on sunday night, i wasn’t able to make it since it coincided with a tiki party at my own camp. anyway, i was able to get in early enough last night to have time to sit down and enjoy it over a couple beers and dinner. i have to say that even though this season felt pretty jam-packed and travel times were thrown completely out the window, there were some super-satisfying moments in the finale:

i loved all the scenes involving characters FINALLY meeting who hadn’t seen each other in a season or three… tyrion and bronn, brienne and jaime, tyrion and cersei, the hound and the mountain, sam and bran… on and on.

i also REALLY liked the sudden trial of Littlefinger. his fate didn’t play out like i had envisioned, but it was ridiculously satisfying to see the stark sisters reveal that they were wise to his machinations all along, and to get vengeance. but i will be sad not to see him next season. chaos is a chute as well as a ladder, apparently. : )


Game of thrones, whether by design from George RR Martin or Benioff and Weiss (Or not), is an allegory for today.
The Lannisters who currently hold power but hate each other so much they have basically backed themselves into incompetence vs Daenerys and the North with all it’s immigrants who don’t really want to fight a political battle, they want to survive and fight the real looming threat: Climate change The undead.



sounds like a valid allegory to me!


My household collectively decided to just accept that ravens were being magically hurtled from place to place at subsonic speed when we weren’t looking. Suddenly the timelines made sense!

I do appreciate that even though this season was full of fun fan-service and pulpy silliness, it still had room for small quiet personal moments between characters and subtle political maneuvering.


yes! i forgot to mention the moment between the Hound and Brienne, talking about Arya. they both seemed so proud of her, particularly the Hound. he actually SMILED! sniff!


Or you go with the mattpatt explanation.

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*Enters the months long dead thread, looks around and wonders if I should wait until early 2019 to post my thoughts.

Then I remember that there’s no guarantee I or anyone else will see 2019, so I’d better do it while I have the chance. Here are the observations I wrote down after binging all 7 seasons of Game of Thrones, back to back:

​So it’s come to this.

I’ve finally become so bored and underwhelmed with the entertainment offerings of late, that I have finally caved and started watching the show that everyone else seems to have been so wild about for nearly the last decade; GoT.

As a newb to the series so “late in the game,” I have the same advantage as I did when I binged Breaking Bad and Doctor Who;

No waiting for each new season to start and plenty of time to catch up before the final* season begins. (Some might also see it as somewhat of a disadvantage, because certain spoilers that were damn near unavoidable if one is regularly online; like the death of Jon Snow… but I don’t. )

The difference this time around is that despite its’ immense popularity and undeniably addictive qualities, I’m not an ‘instant fan’ the way I was with BrBa or the Doctor.

Don’t get me wrong: I like the show and really enjoy certain characters, but I’m just not as captivated as so many others seem to be, especially after so many years of hearing all the hype; ‘Red Wedding’-this, ‘White Walkers’-that.

Nevertheless, I do understand why it’s been a such a phenom in general and here are my impressions:

  • I’m not exactly sure how I feel about Danerys as protagonist yet.

On the one hand, a clip of the scene where she frees the slaves of Astopor and goes all “Dracarys, muthafucka!” is what prompted me to finally begin watching the series in the first place; it was quite an impressive moment. On the other, the irrepressible cynic in me is wary that this is just yet another ‘Great White Hope’ story. I won’t go into all the obvious unfair racial constructs that are still problematic overall.

  • I was initially surprised to realize that Jon Snow and Tyrion are protagonists - for some reason, I had expected them to be the bad guys.

  • Peter Dinkley is everything as Tyrion Lannister; it was apparent to me from the very first scene he was in why Tyrion is (arguably) the clear fan favorite out of all the GoT characters; despite all the life-long prejudice against him, he’s smart, funny, kind and in his own way, very honorable. It goes without saying that he is the Least Horrible Lannister.

  • Speaking of which, Joffrey was clearly the most horrible Lannister, but as annoying as he was, I didn’t ‘love to hate him,’ like I do with all the best written antagonists - for all the horrible, sadistic shit he did, the character was incredibly flat and two dimensional.

  • How crazy is it that Sardo Numspar, the villain from the Golden Child was Tywin Lannister?

  • Arya Stark is a straight up beast; a warrior and true survivor, by any means necessary, and easily one of my favorite ‘constantly underestimated’ characters.

  • Just what in the seven hells did Podrick Payne (Tyrion’s squire) do in the bedroom that three highly experienced prostitutes enjoyed so much that they refused to take his money? (Yes, insignificant as this plot point is to the overall narrative, the curiosity is real.)

  • Birth control would have solved a whole helluva lot of the problems many characters brought upon themselves (Cersei, I’m looking at you, heifer.)

  • Next, what the hell is up with all the incest?

Seriously though;

  • All Tywin’s children are the product of it, since his wife was also his first cousin.

  • Craster and his 100 or so daughter-wives… just yuck.

  • Jaime and Cersei’s “relationship” and their resulting inbred children is one of two of the main catalysts for the ‘war of the five kings.’

  • Inbreeding is probably what eventually made Dany’s father, The Mad King, go batshit crazy.

  • And now, there’s the Jon Snow/Danerys hook-up, even though they don’t know that they are aunt and nephew yet.

Lastly, even without spoilers and avoiding most peoples’ conversations about the show, one thing I can say is that some of the dialog is highly predictable.
(Not that this is necessarily a bad thing.)

In several scenes that I’d never see​n in any gifs or memes, I was still able to guess the next line right before hearing a character confirm my insight;

When Arya’s teacher tells her "the only one god is Death and we only ever need to say one thing to him; I immediately said aloud “Not today.”

When Jaime first voiced his fear and trepidation about Dany using her dragons ‘for realsies’ to Bronn, seconds before Bronn could come back with a quip, I uttered:
“Oh, you’re fucked.

Again, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing; there’s definitely some satisfaction in hearing favored characters speak aloud the viewer’s exact reactions.

Overall, I dug it; but I’m not at all sorry that I waited all this time to get hip… so it goes without saying that the wait for the final 6 eps won’t really bother me.

* Yes I know, Doctor Who is not ending; but getting caught up from Ecclastion to Calpadi still took a fair amount of time.


In a world of patriarchal assholes, he ate some?


That act can not only be described, but one of the now-deceased Second Sons insulted Dany by saying a prostitute that looked like her had ‘rimmed him.’

So again, just what the fuck did he do?


Gave back?

I mean, in the lists of pleasure, humble origins have their own morality, whatever one’s parentage.


I suppose it’s possible that Pod was just more attentive and reciprocal than the usual customer, but somehow I don’t think it was just that.


Really appreciated your entire post, but had to chuckle my ass off at this. Were you getting tired of typing on a small screen at that point? :wink:


Small screen?

I’m on a full sized desktop…


We could always go for “Pod’s got a giant tonker and unlimited stamina”, but I was trying not to go there. It’s GoT though so I think it may be a given. We tried. Or I did. And failed, I guess.