Game of Thrones, final season discussion ☠ SPOILERS WITHIN ☠

No, she is the daughter of the Mad King and the (much younger) sister of crown prince Rhaegar, Jon’s likely father.


I stand corrected. I get Aerys and Rhaegar confused.



Woah… Maybe… Hot Pie is as filled with pus as the greyscale/pie cut implied… What if… He’s been spying for the Lannisters this whole time??? What if a White Walker has warged into his body for the purposes of Sinister Machinations??:laughing:


As long as he browns the butter first I don’t care.


To be fair, the “butter” seemed pretty pale and creamy in the previous scene…


i especially loved Arya’s sort of pondering “…hmm, i didn’t do that.” and he said, “oh, have you been baking pies?” and she casually says, “yeah, one or two.”

SO COLD. as if walder frey would’ve enjoyed eating his sons better if she had browned the butter for the crusts first, haha.


I was too. It wasn’t bad, just not as exciting as many episodes. And after I watched the after show breakdown I appreciated it a bit more. And I get that some episodes need to position characters for what’s to come next. I did not appreciate the transition to the pie. Seemed unnecessary and at the time my thought was they needed something that everyone would talk about the next day and didn’t have anything else. So here we are talking about it.


I think that was just a pretty thankless slot. They always start with new and exciting things and then they spend a few episodes moving the pieces into place for the big events of the season.


Not exciting? What about the naval battle in which Yara’s forces are defeated, the Sand Snakes are killed, and thus Daenerys’ strategy is screwed up? Is Yara the one hanging from the bowsprit in the final scene?

Hot Pie: “I’m a survivor.” He’s fucked.


I forgot about that scene (the whole episode flew by for me). It did have a lot of action. But it seemed clear they were going to just get completely slaughtered. So I wasn’t excitedly rooting in the naval battle, just sadly waiting to see how bad the damage was. They didn’t show her face clearly but my impression was that that was supposed to be her. I hope it isn’t.

Sadly yes.


[spoiler]I Think that Yara was captured, along with Ellaria and her remaining daughter. Euron likely would have killed Yara in front of Theon, given the chance. I believe the woman hanging from the bowspirit is one of the killed Sand Snakes, along with the other on the bow.

My hope is that this is simply the last time we see Hot Pie. Either way, I thought it was nice to get an update.[/spoiler]


When they resurrected Jon, they confirmed everybody’s suspicions. They didn’t have to do that.

Killing him off and leaving him dead was their best opportunity to subvert our expectations.

We know where this train is going. GRR Martin is just not that sneaky.


Honestly, since Nymeria showed up, there was no way this episode could disappoint me.


It felt like there was nothing really riding on that battle. Yara and the sand snakes have been essentially two dimensional since they were sent on their mission to… I’ve forgotten where they were even going, that’s how little the arc was developed. If the battle had happened after a little more journeying and character development, it might have been tense but as it was, meh.

Pirate Romeo, on the other hand, had plot armour that makes The Frankenmountain look like a welterweight. As soon as the big ship started boarding Yara’s tiny, completely overwhelmed forces, there was no other outcome possible apart from Sand Snakes all die (finally! I hated their awful accents), the queen of Dorne gets taken, to be presented to Cersei (whose cruelty in revenge will cause large swathes of her allies to defect to the other side; given Jaime’s history with previous mad monarchs, this might also be the thing that undoes him too), Theon turns back into Reek and Yara dies or is captured. The only surprise in the whole scene was that they let both Yara and Theon live, thereby setting up a heroic rescue and making the siblings “even”.

So: Pirate Romeo takes the Dorne queen to Cersei, who marries him in return. Jaime is overcome by jealousy, and Cersei’s cruel execution (and probable torture) of the queen of Dorne is her undoing. So far, so… Not the kind of unpredictable, chaotic writing that I have come to expect from GRRM. Feels less like GoT and more like every other show on TV.


Oh, shit; I forgot about Dany’s prophetic vision from the start of the show. Burnt, ruined throne room, snow falling in from the roof, anyone?

So yeh, losing the Dornish and Greyjoy armies means that she has no choice but to attack Kings Landing with her dragons. Thousands die, she loses at least one dragon and her legitimacy, can no longer defeat the white walkers when winter comes, show ends with Old Iceybollocks Blue Eyes the White Walker King sitting on the throne, having reclaimed his rightful kingdom.

Slow panning shot showing the cast as zombies as the camera pulls out of the hole in the roof of the throne room, resurrected ice dragon squawks at the camera and scene. Game of Thrones’ “shocking” season 8 finale: you read it here first.


After all the crap she’s been through, it’s hard to imagine Cersei sharing the throne with anyone else ever again, much less with Cartoon Psycho Clown Boy.


Pondering: I wonder what the White Walker King would do in his free time after exterminating all humans?

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Just chill, I’d imagine.


That made me chuckle.

I always wonder things like that. Whether it’s this guy sitting on his uncomfortable-looking chair in outer space:

or just your garden-variety boogeyman, whiling away the hours in some kid’s closet or under the bed, waiting for nightfall… what does one do with oneself once the villainy has been accomplished?

I guess things that just wanna eat ya will be temporarily full, belch, sleep it off, then wander away in search of the next evening’s prey. But your megalomaniac conquering overlords, once the thrones of skulls have been polished, the hellhounds fed, the countryside burned flat and frozen over, and the entire citizenry transformed into one’s personal zombie army…

Well, what does one do then? Start a victory garden? Pen one’s memoirs? Tour the outer provinces? Take a spouse and start a family of wee wightlings?

Go sledding?