I expect no support from the Republican party, even as they proclaim to be the party of family values, but the mockery we receive from wealthy, influential progressives above the Mason-Dixon line is shameful.
I expect no support from the Republican party, even as they proclaim to be the party of family values, but the mockery we receive from wealthy, influential progressives above the Mason-Dixon line is shameful.
I am a pediatrician in Texas, and I can assure you the situation is so abnormal that most younger physicians have never seen a case of measles, thanks to successful vaccination campaigns.
Younger physicians? I guess I should be flattered, but I am 60, and have been practicing for 30 years. But apparently, I am a “younger pediatrician?” OK, maybe? I have been reviewing old pictures of measles rash because I figure it will come here eventually, but wow!
Aside from that, she is absolutely correct. Talk of “abandoning” the South is not productive and needs to die in a fire.
Nuke it from orbit.
Yeah, for real… you know how angry that makes me…
Oh hey, it’s a top priority now.
Wonder what changed over at HHS for the man to pivot.
Here’s hoping RFKjr’s laissez faire hot take in the outbreak’s early days, when it would have been easier to contain, doesn’t kneecap his newfound commitments:
“Ending the measles outbreak is a top priority for me and my extraordinary team,” Kennedy – an avowed anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist who for years has sown doubts about the safety and efficacy of vaccines – said in a post on X.
Kennedy said his federal Department of Health and Human Services would send Texas 2,000 doses of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine – typically meant to be given to children in a series of two shots at 12 to 15 months old as well as between the ages of four and six years old – through its immunization program.
Not sure 2000 doses will be anything close to enough, but it’s a start.
What changed is he’s getting negative feedback and bad press. My problem with this regime is that the public cannot trust anything GOP pols say. They promise a lot and deliver little to nothing - because they value popularity over performance. Unless there’s action and actual proof that they are doing something, their statements are meaningless.
If the press would attempt to cover that, maybe it would make a difference. The follow-up to that statement from Kennedy should’ve been, “2,000 doses? Ok, when and where will they be delivered?” Then they should f’ing go there on the date and do a follow-up report.
There’s another factor. He is used to only speaking to his little cult, and getting cheers for saying stupid things. That’s not happening here, and i think it’s thrown him to be fact checked and held to account.
Sounds like an effective coping strategy under the current regime: negative feedback made as public as possible, for as long as necessary. Since TPTB seem to be sensitive to that. For now.
Frankly sounds exhausting. But here we are.
I am all in favor of abandoning any pretense of polite diplomacy and decorum when it comes to dealing with public officials. If we’re polite, we are ignored. If we’re loud, we may be branded as crazy but “it makes good TV” (this is
's understanding of the media ecosystem) and may swing public opinion especially if it goes viral.
Huh, I find that clarifying. I think that’s a great way to put a big problem with corporate media-- maybe even the biggest one?
They spend almost all of their political reporting time on repeating and analyzing what politicians say, and almost no time on the actual effects of their policies and actions.
My fear is that they’re doing this because it’s much worse than we know.
“ Bill Summary
This bill relates to the administration of gene-based vaccines. The bill provides that a person shall not provide or administer a gene-based vaccine to another person in this state. A person who violates the bill is guilty of a simple misdemeanor and is subject to a fine of $500 per incident. The bill directs the appropriate licensing board within the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing to review the license of a person licensed under Code chapter 147 (health-related professions) who violates the bill. The bill defines gene-based vaccine as a vaccine developed using messenger ribonucleic acid technology, modified messenger ribonucleic acid technology, self-amplifying messenger ribonucleic acid technology, or deoxyribonucleic acid technology.”
I think that summary can be read as banning most, if not all vaccines. What of the ones in production haven’t used any recombinant nucleic acid techniques?
Great! Looks like this is the live link:
Norovirus is miserable and if we can find a way to prevent it, that would be excellent. This is absolutely not ready for primetime, but worth watching.
High levels of microplastics in ocean water have been linked to a higher prevalence of cognitive and other types of neurologic dysfunction in individuals living in US coastal communities.
'Swhat happens when yr brains and balls (if any) get filled with plastic.