Love in the Time of COVID-19

They appear to have lost their pipboy.


We can whistle better than that.

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My news feed this morning popped up with another Plague Inc article: Plague Inc. Gives a Quarter of a Million Dollars to Fight COVID-19

Aside from the money, an interesting bit:

When arranging our donations with the WHO and CEPI, we were repeatedly asked if we could make a game which let the player work to stop an outbreak. Therefore, as well as providing financial support, we are accelerating work on a new Plague Inc. game mode which lets players save the world from a deadly disease outbreak.

Players will have to balance managing disease progression and boosting healthcare systems as well as controlling real-world actions such as triaging, quarantining, social distancing and closing of public services. We are developing this game mode with the help of experts from the World Health Organisation, the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network and more.

The new update will be free for all players during the pandemic and we will share more information as soon as we can.

Even though it makes sense, it still seems like an odd fit. There’s so many related systems that the normal game doesn’t really do much simulation of.

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where the Republicans survive.


I had to take my cat to the vet this morning, because he had a mass (like golf ball size) on his abdomen. Luckily, the vet was willing and able to see us for this. Manny Pearl is fine, it looks like an abscess, and he got antibiotics. He’s clingy, but still eating and stuff.

The reason I’m mentioning it on this thread is that the person who did the checkout said that she had just got a call saying that “they” might come and commandeer all their PPE. I’m not sure who “they” are, and I didn’t want to press, but there are two big hospitals in the next county over, who are begging the city and the state to initiate a stay at home order. So far, no joy, because I’m in one of those states that’s run by fuckwads. In fact, I know from a friend, a previous employee of the Governor (from like 15 years ago), that he especially is a misogynist piece of shit.


My cat had a vet appointment over the weekend, and then on Monday. On Saturday, business was pretty much as usual. Monday, they’re not allowing anyone into the office any more - call from the parking lot, do everything over the phone that can be, and then someone comes out to take the pet in or bring them out.

(and results of the appointment were that she’s tested positive for feline leukemia, so… bleh.)


Oh, I’m so sorry! Poor sweetheart, I hope the rest of her days are good ones.


Sorry to hear that. I hope he feels good for as long as possible.
And @CleverEmi, I hope your kitty recovers without incident.


Well, Illinois has increased the shelter in place to April 7th.

So, looks like I should be able to get lots of documentation done. (That’s a joke. I don’t document. And when I tried to this morning - the knowledge base we use, crashed and took with it my brief foray in to instructing others)


“I think we have a responsibility to our students — who paid to be here, who want to be here, who love it here — to give them the ability to be with their friends, to continue their studies, enjoy the room and board they’ve already paid for and to not interrupt their college life.”
— Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. to the Richmond Times-Dispatch

Yep, because having a localized outbreak of Covid-19 won’t interrupt their college life at all.

You’d think they’d at least keep the fitness center closed…

[edit] Apparently at least some of this is news to the city government, too:


Journal of the Corona Year


Another solid day of working from home.

This is all starting to feel normal, as if there is no COVID-19. I’m just doing my work while living in a ghost town. The deserted streets of New York are not too far removed from Minneapolis on any given weekend.

For the past two mornings I’ve heard someone spraying up and down the hall. It’s the familiar sound of an aerosol can. I suppose it’s Lysol Disinfectant Spray. A community-minded person helping out in a small way.

Last week Macy’s closed down for two weeks. You know the situation is bad when that Petri dish feels the need to send customers away. A friend who works there came down for coffee today. Full-time employees are getting paid for 28 hours per week. That is an amazing level of generosity for anything connected with Federated Department Stores.

He said all the employees received a letter from the store encouraging them to become lobbyists on the store’s behalf, advocating for low-interest bridge loans from either the state or federal government. Maybe both. The letter took pains to assure its employees that they were not asking for a hand-out or charity. I told my fiend this could be a good opportunity for a much-needed career change. Time for the system to work for him.

for the past few weeks he’s been in the process of looking for an apartment he can afford. The quarantining has interfered with these efforts. No one is showing apartments and he’s earning less money.

Late last year the marketing department where I work brought on a recent college graduate as a temp. Primarily she is supposed to assist me with the loan offering memos. There is concern in the air that perhaps there will not be enough work to keep her busy. If the company cuts back, she would be first to go. I wonder who would be next?


Hmm, the St. Louis County one that took effect two days later was set for April 22 originally. And I half expect that to be extended.


An Arizona man has died and his wife is in a critical condition after both ingested chloroquine phosphate in an apparent effort to stave off Covid-19.

President Donald Trump has touted the medication form of chloroquine as a possible treatment for the virus.

But the toxic ingredient taken by the Phoenix couple was a chemical commonly used to clean fish tanks.


Temporary mercies.


Among other things, I order printing for one of my clients, and it turns out that printers can be considered essential businesses, at least they are in the city where my printers are located. I figured they would close, because a stay-at-home order was called, but they are still open.