Love in the Time of COVID-19

A new sort of ridiculous tat is being advertised.


The first one has potential.

The second looks like an open bird beak.

The third is for bikers who are anti-helmet but don’t want bugs in their teeth.

The last one - if the hair was tucked in - looks to welding PPE for the Hijabi set.


A pal of mine from grad school now has a prototype that detects COVID-19 before symptoms set in:

Probably not for this wave, but if there’s a second wave in the fall, it’ll be ready.


Are those being advertised as protection against coronavirus? There’s always a way to make a buck.
They’ve been around for a while and are popular during the summer with women in China and Japan. Unless I’m mistaken.

The ad said “protection cap”, and clicking through led me to this.

but the weird hats are now captioned as “sun hats”.


Dr Fauci was also hopeful that the US presidential election, slated for 3 November, would still take place

Surprised to hear him say that, but I guess he’s a realist.


Journal of the Corona Year


The Mask and I
Part 2

The last local hardware store had closed down for a couple of weeks. On Thursday I decided to order a few things from the Home Depot since they deliver. When I ordered paint from Janovic the previous week it was delivered the next day. The Home Depot, on the other hand, would charge me $25 and I would have to wait a week.

So I decided to pick it up in the store. I now had a mask. What could go wrong?

Wearing a mask is an interesting experience.

I put it on and took a breath. My lungs were filled with whatever chemicals are involved in the manufacturing process. I exhaled and my glasses were fogged up. I try to adjust the steel strap that runs across the bridge of my nose. But we’re not supposed to touch the mask while wearing it to avoid cross-contamination.

It pulls my ears down. I soon learned to pull my ears up after putting it on to get the straps sitting in the right place. One problem solved.

Walking while wearing a mask is difficult because you feel like you’re not getting enough air. Simple tasks become like climbing Mount Everest without supplemental oxygen.

There is no way to blow your nose, should you need to. And I have no idea if KN95 is able to filter-out viruses, but it is very effective at accumulating your bad breath.

Negotiating your way around a store is difficult because you lose peripheral vision. That I cannot explain. I’ve worn the mask in three stores and have experienced the same phenomena.

Never mind all this. With my mask on I felt like one of the good people. I proudly walked from the subway station to the Home Depot on 23rd Street. Crossing Broadway and Fifth Avenue was easy because there was no traffic.

As I passed one of the corner garbage cans I didn’t fear the fumes. My mask would protect me. I hope this mask doesn’t cause me to engage in risky behaviors.

As I approached the store I could see here was a long line of people standing 6 feet apart. Like shopping in the days of the Soviet Union, when you see a line you’re not surprised, you just know to get into it.

There were two security guards managing the line — a “good cop” and a “bad cop.” The good cop was in charge, shorter and smiled. The bad cop was taller, and walked behind the good cop. Someone a few places behind me got a little testy. He exchanged some sharp words with the two. The bad cop rose to the occasion with some sharp words of his own: “Hey! No need for profanity!” “If you’re gunna use profanity you’re gunna find yourself waiting out here for nuthin!” Impressive. The tone of his voice was all he needed to enforce civility.

It took about 20 to get into the store. Fortunately it wasn’t too cold or raining too much. The store was empty. There were two more things I needed, so quickly went and found those. Then I went and collected my package at customer service. It was already paid for and in its own paper bag. All I had to do was pay for the two items I picked up.

So as to not bother the cashiers, I went to one of the self-checkout stations. I had forgotten they recently switched to hand-held scanners. The last time I was there I had resolved to never use the self-checkout again because of the hand-held scanners. But here I was.

When I got home I sprayed my keys and Shure BT2 with a light mist of Lysol disinfectant. I wiped-down my iPhone and wallet with Windex. I washed my glasses with soap and water.

I looked at the mask. The whole thing feels made out of plastic. What have I got to lose. I washed it off with soap and water too. It’s as good as new and smells a lot better too.


My SO drove through our little bitty town on Sunday morning, and every single church parking lot was full. We’re going to have a local outbreak in a few weeks, I imagine. Do they think that if they don’t congregate in a big room on a particular day, that the deity is going to revoke their salvation or something? Or is it pure MAGA derangement that convinced them to do it?


The same lack of rational thought that enabled them to vote for Trump is what keeps them making very bad life choices.


They are possibly the type who view life on Earth as merely a test, and the real life comes after you die. They have nothing to lose.


Is this Rump’s idea of giving his two weeks? Does he even know that the Rs are ready to dump his ass to start prepping Pence?


This video isn’t graphic but is disturbing


I’d have liked to have had one when I mowed down a massive patch of giant hemlock which I thought was queen annes lace. It looked like a poison ivy rash on much of my exposed skin. :grimacing:

Edit for grammar


Better poison hemlock than one of the alternatives.


“I firmly believe that God is larger than this dreaded virus. You can quote me on that,” he said, repeating it a second time to claps, saying that “people are healed” in his church.

“I am essential,” he said of remaining open, adding, “I’m a preacher — I talk to God!”

And Trump thinks we can just lift the restrictions entirely in a few weeks with groups like this around?


God is larger than the virus? He should have spent more time studying the Old Testament. Ironic this is happening during Passover.


Literally ‘face to face,’ now.

Or… maybe not.

“Reap as ye’ve sown.”