They are probably better off buying the tooling for the old Defender from whoever currently owns it and building it themselves than contracting out a new one that will be loaded with unreliable hardware from vendors with questionable motives.
That would be Tata, since 2008. But as they stopped building “real” Landrovers in 2016 it’s doubtful there is much left of the manufacturing equipment.
Although Defender models were assembled under licence in Spain, Iran, Brazil, and Turkey at some point or other; maybe there is something left here and there.
I think that is fake.
Oil buys a lot of stuff… Number go up…
It’s Ford tough.
I remember as a kid seeing an A-Team episode where they dropped some water from a firefighting helicopter onto a bad guy’s car to stop them from getting away, and at the time I thought “that’s silly, how would water wreck the car??” Little did I know that that was like the one and only technical thing that the writers for A-Team actually got right.