There are so many great EV options from so many manufacturers now at pretty much every price point that if you’re interested in a new EV there’s almost certainly one that can fit your needs and budget that isn’t a Tesla.
A friend of mine who had a Tesla replaced his with an electric BMW…
“Like lipstick on a pig”? Move aside for “Like Mansory ‘Elongation’ on a Cybertruck”.
At least the Mansoury body panels will probably stay on through the winter…
Unless they shrink.
I had the same sort of look when my parents told me how they travelled a decent amount of the Australian desert with me in the back seat of their vw beetle (I was in a wicker cradle).
Oh, man, that got me right in my Sentimentals. I went there with my late mother, and seeing it again is sorrowful.
I must have travelled hundreds of kilometers in that little compartment behind the back seat in a VW Käfer as a toddler.
We got it in blu-ray a couple of days ago (nice transfer) and watched it today. A showroom filled with the Corsairs, called “Flying Wombats” in the film Humorous and with a few laugh-out-loud moments (such as Marmie gently suggesting that Sahib slow down a bit as they raced wildly down a country road in a Flying Wombat!). Sweet 1930’s ending. Loved it!
It’s a model Ford started to develop, but never built.