Not Feminism 101


Under Trump the Presidency seems to have morphed into a traditional monarchy complete with virtual concubines.


Just found out someone I considered a mentor is under investigation following the collapse of a sexual relationship with a subordinate. I want a roll of police tape that says “Don’t use your subordinates for your social and sexual needs” that I can wrap around every single colleague.


Werd. I would add another that says “Don’t socialize people into assuming that they have power over each other”, as this prevents a lot of potential exploitation from happening in the first place.


It was fascinating how many of the comments were strictly about the Ansari story when the article only used it as a touchpoint to discuss larger issues.


Thing is, a LOT of people don’t want to look at who and what they are. Yuh-AH, it’s painful at times, but it’s so worth the effort…well, for me, it was, lol. Still is.


I knew there was a reason I liked this man’s work

The more people who realise this, the better. I know most of us, here, recognise the distinction, but it’s nice to see it becoming more commonly expressed.


Yeah, I don’t know why the “Pro-Lifers” don’t: Go after the death penalty, work hard on gun control, help suicidal folks, assist in cancer and stem-cell research, and anything else that has to do with preserving life.

Why can’t folks just say what they mean?


I consider myself pro-life for all these reasons.

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Because it’s not polite to use the N word anymore? Pro-life sounds so much nicer than, “You are an N-word.”


I’ve worked with left-wing Catholics who do. They espoused an admirably consistent, if partially incorrect, philosophy on life-related matters.


As a pregnant person, there’s nothing that I fear right now quite like the intolerable cruelty of pro-lifers. In my state, it’s illegal to have an abortion if you think the fetus has Down’s. It’s “medical discrimination” against that fetus. If something happened to my pregnancy today, would I be dragged in front of a court and demanded to answer for medical choices I made to preserve my life with my doctor? I have a friend who went into labor at 24 weeks while traveling, away from her spouse. The only thing they could do was help the labor along, knowing the baby would die. She only ever got to hold her baby for a moment. The pro-life movement would see her punished for not doing more. When she announced the pregnancy loss, people told her, in public, on Facebook, that she was wrong for what she did. In the state I used to live in, during my first pregnancy, I had to scrutinize my 20-week anatomy scan because it was legal for the doctor to lie to me if she thought I’d seek abortion. I didn’t think she would, but you know.

I hate the pro-life movement for forcing women into these situations. The women of the pro-life movement are so blinded by their just-world fallacy that they really believe anyone who needs an abortion is a horrible liar who deserves it for whatever sin she committed. They can’t imagine it would ever happen to them, and so it’s fine to inflict suffering on anyone who does need these services. It’s the same victim-blaming self preservation that leads women to blame other women for being raped.


And yet a lot of these people won’t support UHC because “the government shouldn’t make your health decisions for you, just you and your doctor”. They do not see (or are so invested in controlling women that they do not care) the enormous hypocrisy involved in holding those opinions.

And again, you can’t be “pro-life” if you are willing to deny medical care.


Exactly. I don’t think we can understand what calls itself the “pro-life” movement outside of a Christian dominionist framework. The goal is dead women, disabled women and dependent women. They can’t put the women’s lib genie back in the bottle, but they can create a patriarchal religious hegemony by putting women in coffins and physically limiting their ability to interact with public life.


Fear of contamination as well, I think.


Same. I respect their views on this issue, because they are very consistent. I even agree with them. I believe that quality of life is more important than quantity of life, and that we should make more investment in social safety net programs overall. I am completely against capital punishment, and mostly against war. I believe reducing the number of abortions is a good goal to have, but not if it means restricting access to safe and legal abortions… especially if everything else is kept the same and this restricted access only deepens our growing class divide.


Well, they seem to hope that they can, anyway. That might ultimately be wishful thinking in pursuit of more wishful thinking.


Its literally already happening.