O, Canada - all your canuck news worth sharing!

Tina Fontaine was murdered. Murdered. Her killer’s been identified.

This is the headline the Globe and Mail went with:

Now updated after public protest, especially from the Manitoba Assembly of Chiefs:

They’ve also moved the note about the results possibly being artificially high from the fourth paragraph to the first.


When I was on a fancy cruise we ate with a couple from Winnipeg.
They had made fun of Toronto so I thought making fun of Winnipeg was fair play, it being the murder capital of Canada after all. Hahah oops!
Apparently, that stat is artifically high! Because if you ruled out the “Indian on Indian” crime the number is much much lower than Toronto. FML - awkward dinner trapped on a boat is awkward. We stopped talking to people much after that.

Canada; more racist than you think!


You’re nice. I would have launched right into “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???” and wound up in the brig or something.


There was one black man on the cruise, and he spent most of his time in a Tshirt that said “Have you hugged a black man today” getting loads and loads of rich old white lady hugs. We had dinner with him and his GF on our last night. She voted for Trump because she didn’t like Hilary. I thought her BF’s eyes were going to roll out of his head. He was the best person we met onboard. :slight_smile:


Hilariously it was originally gender neutral.


Canadian politics in a nutshell


Did he survive? Does he still have his soul? :scream_cat:


A politician with a soul? Surely you jest.


Oh Ontario…


They’ve got to be careful or they’ll make him into a folks-hero.


They got him.
He was the guy on the cctv.

In case you’re not from Tdot, they cops didn’t even look for Tess. Her mother took the bus to Toronto from Thunder Bay the next day, and her mother found her body. She’d been missing for four days. And her body was in an alley the entire time. I hope her mother sues the TPS for all their worth.

This took place in the gay village, the very same gay village that had an active serial killer for over a decade.

Kind of a pattern of the cops not caring about events in the gay village eh?


A friend of mine kept harping on about how Tess Richey was a sex worker. It was kind of a boring conversation, because I kept saying “so the hell what?”

I totally agree that if a mum straight off the bus from North Bay does a better job than the cops, the cops have some 'splaining to do

Also, for all the talk about how this is a “gay village” thing… the gay village in TO is one street over from a metric shit tonne of office towers. I used to work in one; the gaybourhood was where all our regular lunch places were, and where we went out after work to commiserate with laid-off colleagues (it was a dot-com; there were a lot of layoffs).

So if you want to be a fucking elitist about it, the cops didn’t just abandon the gays, but all the straight (and gay) office people who work, eat, shop, and hang out in the neighbourhood every freaking day.

The cops have to learn. There is no us and them. And handing out police service that way just makes them look bad.


Because sex workers have it coming right?

Burn it all down.

Also, I’m a little freaked out by this and want to know what happened in August!


oooooooh shiiiiiit Alloura Wells was found in August…


So possibly another serial murderer (I think they need three to meet the category?).

This is bad.


I always feel so bad for the families, not just of the victims, but like this guys Mom…
Like how do you reconcile this… and to have 100s of strangers swarm your FB like that. Ugh, its so horrible all around.


Ok, some non-terrifying and non-Ontario news for once!

Albertas’ gone full petty!! LOL

@tinoesroho - stock up!


And the funny thing is that these are the only two NDP premiers, facing off against each other.

You’d think that an NDP premier would be anti-pipeline, but apparently, not an Alberta NDP premier.


Might be a tactical error on her part. 1) The areas punished most by this are more Liberal/Pipeline-friendly strongholds, 2) we’re used to paying the highest prices in the country for gas… we’ll get over it, but Albertans might not like the cut in booze supply and 3) I don’t think Alberta is a massive VQA market, in comparison to what they’re losing on the pipeline.

I think BC will survive this blow.