Our ex-so-called president

Trump’s official response:

So waphat? Should Donald care about the unimoortant G20 or 19 or whatever? I’m offically announcing todya the formation of the “24K.” The greatest collection of nations the world has ever seen. Good work Donald!!

All of These countries are winners, and I should know, right? I mean, I know that kind of stuff. That’s what I do. Be prepared for a new future of. global. winning.

Let me say that again — Winning. That’s imoortant.


Al Jazeera reports that Trump has released the following incredibly parody-able video. Turn the sound up so everyone can hear the bombastic music.


Make America Great Again! Sung by the all white choir. Featuring, Ivanka Trump (also appearing, Melania)

Wow, just surreal.


Surreal - yes. Horrifying - yes. I can’t help but think of Tomorrow Belongs To Me from Cabaret:


I can’t get the media to play. Not sure if it’s my company blocking the source or if the original is gone now.

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Sweet FSM, it’d be so friggin’ awesome if US based journalists would be this forthright.


Ages ago I signed on to be a regular customer survey recipient for one of our local papers. Every time they give me a chance, I remind them they are not just competing against the other local rags and web sites, but internationally too. It’s shocking how far behind most news outlets are to their readers’ actual news consumption patterns.


Now I’m wondering why Laibach hasn’t done a cover of that? Too close for parody, I guess?

Does remind me of their Beatles cover, though:

Or more like Wes Anderson and Lemi Refenstahl had a baby and that baby grew up to direct Laibach videos?

I love Laibach, but it’s kind of horrifying how relevant they are right now.


Yer man there is a terrible piece of shit, by the way. I mean, the video is right on but he’s a horrible human being:

"While he may not be globally recognised, he caused controversy in Australia in 2016 when he blamed the South Australian state blackout on wind power and renewable energy, even though scientists disputed the claim.

Uhlmann refused to apologise despite attracting complaints, and likened himself to a heretic being burned at the stake.

In February that year he also published an essay that said the “intellectual virus” of Marxism was destroying the culture of western society."

Yeh, so he’s basically a climate-change-denying, closeted-anti-semite. [“Cultural Neomarxism of the Berlin School = global Zionist conspiracy to undermine everything that is Right And Good”]

Isn’t it weird how trump seems to unite literally everyone against him?


Lol I remember hearing about that on Twitter. Ah well, even a stopped clock is right twice a day etc.

Another conservative who doesn’t want to be associated with Trump?

Just after the election I found myself nodding along with tweets by Arnold Schwarzenegger AND David Frum – that gave me pause. Arnie pulls off the occasional good one even though I don’t agree with him on a lot of political things, but the entire Frum family manage to be shockingly out of touch on a regular basis.

Strange times.


Yeh; one of the most fucked up things about trump’s presidency is that I’ve found myself thinking “you know, maybe John McCain isn’t such a bad guy after all…?”


I remember Barbara. Barely, but I remember.

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Or looking fondly back at GW Bush and thinking, “He didn’t suck as hard as we thought at the time.”


Shouldn’t this topic link to the gear-grinding topic?


Or looking back at Nixon and thinking “you know, it could have been worse…”


Don’t stop there. I got off at the depot:

Abolutely NSF.

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I think that pairs nicely with this:


I saw this video about half an hour ago and my palms are still sweating. It disturbs me that much.


So many opportunities to remember Philomena Cunk’s immortal words from 2015:

This will be in a documentary in twenty years’ time with ominous music on it and here is me watching it live.

At least we still hope it will be.


Nope. Nice try, but you’re not going to get me to watch John Ashcroft sing. I’ve made that mistake before.