Our Felonious Ex-President

He seems to spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about other people’s genitals, and he assumes that everyone else does also.

I’ve never been in the military, so I’m speculating wildly here. But, when the shit hits the fan, are there really people who take time out in the middle of a shitstorm to worry who has a dick or who has a pussy? I would think that trained soldiers would have bigger fish to fry, but what do I know?


That’s social conservatives in a nutshell.

They cared back in the 90s, but it predictably became less of an issue the moment they started needing people to fill body bags. That’s why it’s hard to read this as anything but a cynical ploy to distract people from the Senate.


So, he’ll eventually get down to folks like me, female intellectual, artsy-craftsy-super-liberal-bisexual-pagans?

I can’t be the only one.


“Oooh! So much there to hate!”



That’s another area where there’s a major interaction with race, though.


Hey, you seem pretty rad to me if that counts for anything.


Trump is in full “Everything is the fault of the Jews” mode, it’s just that he has to think of different minorities to attack.
For now.


If you have access to better demographics on the US election, I’d love to see them. Particularly if you can find race/income cross tabs.

I doubt very much that you’d easily find data of sufficient precision to differentiate genuine working-class voters from upwardly-mobile middle class young adults, though. It’d be possible to determine that data with sufficient resources, of course, but that’s not the sort of detail you typically find in exit polls.

However, the initial question being addressed in this subthread was my attempt to provide evidence for the claim that most working class voters do not support the far right. To be precise, it was me saying:

Then you saying:

To which I replied:

…and attached some demographics to support that claim, as evidence that the lower income groups were the only economic group in which the majority voted Dem.

It isn’t perfect evidence, but they’re the best stats I’ve been able to find regarding the influence of class and income on the election. I don’t think that it is unreasonable to conclude from the available data that the most likely reality is that a strong plurality (and likely majority) of working class voters opposed Trump, while a narrow plurality of middle- and upper-class voters supported him.

I believe that the repeated narrative in the US media and public discussion, suggesting that the rise of Trump was due to the votes of stupid impoverished yokels, is both factually wrong and massively harmful.

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My brother’s ex-wife is not a yokel; she’s not “stupid” (except that she voted for the current POTUS), she was graduated from, I believe Penn State, or at least attended it for a while; and she’s not impoverished.

She is, however, emotionally messed-up (her mother was a REAL bitch), and she’s easily led. I think a lot of people who are like that voted for him.

And for some reason, I just pictured Albert Finney as Daddy Warbucks kicking the hell out of the current POTUS’s “bigly” ass.


Other side of the world, so he’s not a US voter, but I work with a guy who is impressed by Trump. He’s a fan of Putin, too; he admires confidence and brashness, which is all he knows of Vlad.

This guy is quite smart, generally a pleasant colleague, and he is very competent at what he does.

But he doesn’t read and he isn’t much of a deep thinker. Once he figures that he has something worked out, that’s where he stops.

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I live in the sort of place that people like you gravitate to*, but I lived here before it became fashionable so I’m just a boring white straight pinko who in the past has been an “expert” on a couple of things.
So pinko and expert, two things for Trump to hate.

*which is why we’ve become fashionable, by the way.


He’s taken a pretty big risk with conservatives, messing with the military in any way other than praising them, raising their budget or sending them off to die. The reaction I’ve been seeing to Chump’s announcement has been a lot of anger from military people (and the US’s usually worrisome Cult of the Military). Even Orrin Hatch is against this move.

Also, possibly a bigger outpouring of support for trans people than I have ever seen online. <3


Yep, they forced our hand alright.

I love trans people, and believe they should be treated like human beings. I’m not afraid or ashamed to admit it.

If only the Democrats will do the same… who am I kidding, they won’t.


Even the Democrats most on the corporate/religious teat changed their support before Trump (though many didn’t until Obama was in office), you can argue that they should have done it sooner (and you would be 100% accurate) but they didn’t drop identity politics after 2016 despite many, many of the donor class pushing for them to abandon it.


And then hell froze over and Senator Shelby stood up for trans troops.


My scout masters were almost all retired enlisted officers (Enlisted grades, no officer corp grades), Chiefs and Sergants and various Airpeople.

We learned a lot about ropes and fires and tenting in the rain. We also learned close order drill, which is the marching. We got good at it (no fake rifles or anything) and at scout camp we would march to dinner, march to the pond, march to roll call, etc… Years later I run into someone who attended a same camp, and remembers us. Terrifying 11 year old him.

All we could do was walk in unison. It can be pretty scary stuff when people team up.




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