Our Felonious Ex-President

I can see one flaw in that argument: Ivanka is exactly the sort of person to take the “well nothing bad ever happened to me” line. I also wouldn’t be surprised if Casablancas had a “hands off” policy for her. If there were nude photos of Ivanka, like there are for Melania, they’d be circulating by now.

And what kind of parents push their daughter into that? The kind that want to raise their profile from National Enquirer to Vogue, that’s who.


Oh, well, you know Ivanka belonged to her father. So, a hands-off approach wouldn’t be any sort of respect or normal attitude toward someone so young… no it’s just respecting some other man’s property rights.

Completely nauseating.


I think it’s possible that she was protected. I also think it’s possible she was not. When you read the rest of the article and learn more about John Cassablancas, it’s hard to imagine ever letting that predator in the same room with your own daughter, much less choosing him to oversee her career.

I went to college with a lot of rich kids, and it was very common for the upper middle class kids to be “models” who really hadn’t done much paid work except a few little local jobs here and there, but they had to have their book and classes.


I went to school with a girl whose mum ran one of the local agencies. They did a lot of bread-and-butter work: store flyers, shopping mall fashion shows, and so on. Even so, some aspects struck me – as told to me by my classmate – as a short of finishing school for upper-class kids. As you said, they didn’t actually do much.

I read a long article about Casablancas before and yeah, icky to put it mildly.


Yeah, so I think there are the people at the local level like my peers at college who were simply getting fleeced, and then there’s the NY agencies, which are basically sex trafficking.

This thing happens in LA, too, where people are so attracted to fame they will sell out their kids to these predators. I can’t google it up at work but if you look into Corey Haim and the whole ring he got involved in, it’s a very similar model to what is happening with these model agencies.

The few legit models becomes a cover for the actual work of these agencies.


As a know-nothing ignorant ferner, I’m asking the Americans for their patience and knowledge here, and hope some will explain to me like I’m five:

in this headline
"Special Counsel Mueller impanels Washington grand jury in Russia probe"

What does “impanel” mean?

What is a grand jury?

How are grand jury members selected? Who selects them?

Why is the impaneling happening now?

Is this going to take years? Why would it take so long?

Bonus questions for a global audience:

What do you think the chances are of a resignation happening before or after the Grand Jury starts hearing testimony? Do you think there’ll be more than one resignation?


A grand jury is like a committee that decides whether to charge somebody with a crime.

I assume “impanel” means “convene.”

As to the other questions, we don’t know either.


The purpose of a grand jury is a reality check on and vindication of the prosecutor. If the GJ recommends that charges be filed, they feel there’s sufficient evidence to go through the bigger step of bringing the case to court, and the actual trial tends to waste less time on that question. If they don’t, the prosecutor knows it’s an uphill battle and is probably not going to file charges without better evidence.

Typically a prosecutor in something big doesn’t impanel a grand jury unless they’re pretty confident already.

I suspect Mueller has a rock-solid case and is demonstrably doing everything by the book so there can be no doubt in anyone’s mind.

As for whether anyone will resign as a result of Mueller’s move – I’m guessing, no. I expect the White House will keep up the cycle of hiring losers and backstabbers and things will keep churning like they have been, and there’ll be more leaks and more admissions from everyone except Little Donny, who will refuse to resign and will continue to pretend this is all some kind of “very unfair” witch hunt cooked up by Hillary Clinton, China, Mexican immigrants and the media. Even after the child-sized handcuffs are slapped on him and he gets to find out what “a real dump” really looks like.


Last I checked the headline on Fox was asking why nobody was investigating Hillary Clinton. I think I’m going to start using that to deflect my wrongdoing.

MY WIFE: The milk is gone.
ME: Fake news!
MY WIFE: Here, look, the bottle is empty. Did you drink it?
ME: Hey, how come nobody is investigating Hillary Clinton for drinking our milk?!?


Jurors have been selected for a jury or grand jury, and the court clerk has written down their names.

A grand jury has the duty of determining whether there is sufficient evidence of wrong-doing to indict. A GJ has rather broad powers to demand evidence.

This is different from a trial jury, which has to sit there in silence, listening to the evidence as presented by the attorneys for the prosecution and defense.

In Washington, I don’t know. In California, a California resident fills out an application.

In California, a Supreme Court judge selects jurors. (In Washington, I don’t know.)

I defer to my learned colleague, @Crashproof:

I suspect Mueller has a rock-solid case and is demonstrably doing everything by the book so there can be no doubt in anyone’s mind.

That’s a kind of tough question. How long should it take to plumb the depths of the Trump Administration’s shady deals? Especially with the vast majority of the GOP helping obstruct at every turn?

Do I count as a member of a global audience? I don’t think anyone in the White House is smart enough to get while the getting’s good, except maybe Sean Spicer.



That’ll depend on who you’re thinking of as significant.

There’ll be “resignations” continuing for the foreseeable future, as the TrumpGOP continues to purge disloyal elements from political office. That will likely include Sessions if he doesn’t agree to “unrecuse” himself and sack Mueller.

But if you’re thinking of the Trumpist senior executive giving up and fleeing for the exits in panic…no chance.


The endgame is beginning for Resident Coolidge, er, Pence.

The timetable is fluid, but there are procedures and bullet points that have to be executed.


I know… phrasing.


deleted with apologies.



it seems like every time he accuses someone of something, it’s to cover impropriety of his own doing ( or those in his inner circle. )

as far as i understand, he pretty much invented obama birtherism. now when anyone says, well maybe you brought your wife here illegally and maybe she’s undocumented – he’s immunized. it couldn’t possibly be true because his exact same claim was untrue.

it’s like some schoolhouse thing, where - in attempt to be “fair” - a way too busy teacher tells everyone to stop fighting, and that everyone is going to detention.

meanwhile, the bully is grinning because they’re always in detention and now everyone else is too.

separately, it strikes me that the modelling agency issues have got to be the easiest of all his illegalities to verify. only, nobody (it seems) is interested in going after him for it because they’re all just “models” ( read, probably, women. )

even those articles are a year old.



True. I know someone who is a semi-pro photographer who used to do books for aspiring models. He says it was always the mothers who said to the girls “You have to take all your clothes off, dear, or you won’t get anywhere.” Nowadays he just does portraits.


Did you read the part about how my post was a response to @KeisterButton’s questions about the grand jury that has already been impaneled?


This is a good article on it all. Scroll down for the bit on the grand jury.
