Our Felonious Ex-President

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Happy Cake Day!


It’s always a bad day to be Donald Trump.


“You are all WARRIORS of epic proportions!” Ivanka Trump wrote at one point to several colleagues, including her husband, Jared Kushner .

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If the portion of the title that came through wasn’t bad enough, apparently my PiHole looks at anything from link.vanityfair.com and immediately says

Add on that it’s Trump involved, and, well… :smiley:

[Edit:] I was able to pull the link from a different elsewhere. For a quote of a brief portion:

Trump was being questioned under oath as part of a 2015 lawsuit brought by a group of activists who alleged the Trump Organization’s chief of security, Keith Schiller, hit one of them on the head when they were protesting outside of the company’s Manhattan headquarters. While the then presidential candidate was not present when the incident occurred, lawyers for the plaintiff wanted to speak with him to determine if he was responsible for his employees’ conduct.

That led to the attorneys bringing up a 2016 campaign rally at which Trump told attendees, “If you see someone getting ready to throw a tomato, just knock the crap out of them, would you?” Asked why, Trump testified that his campaign had been told that day that someone was “going to throw fruit,” which put him on high alert. “You get hit with fruit, it’s—no, it’s very violent stuff. We were on alert for that,” Trump said. “It’s worse than tomato, it’s other things also. But tomato, when they start doing that stuff, it’s very dangerous. There was an alert out that day.” He added: “I wanted to have people be ready because we were put on alert that they were going to do fruit.” And if you thought that was all he had to say re: the deadliness of various pieces of fruit, you thought wrong!

“Some fruit is a lot worse…tomatoes are bad, by the way,” he continued. “But it’s very dangerous. No, I wanted them to watch. They were on alert. I remember that specific event because everybody was on alert. They were going to hit, they were going to hit hard.” Asked about telling rallygoers that he’d cover the legal fees of anyone who “knock[ed] the crap out of” a tomato-possessing protester, Trump doubled down on the idea that he faced a “serious threat.”

One of the lawyers asked: “Is it your expectation that if your security guards see someone about to throw a tomato that they should knock the crap out of them?” To which Trump responded yes, but that they shouldn’t just limit themselves to protecting him from tomatoes. “A tomato, a pineapple, a lot of other things they throw,” he said. “Yeah, if the security saw that, I would say you have to—and it’s not just me, it’s other people in the audience get badly hurt—yeah, I think that they have to be aggressive in stopping that from happening. Because if that happens, you can be killed if that happens.” Asked if he was literally saying that someone winding up a tomato justified “the use of physical force,” Trump assented, adding another fruit to the list. “To stop somebody from throwing pineapples, tomatoes, bananas, stuff like that, yeah,” he replied. “It’s dangerous stuff.”


(context from: Twitter loses bid to toss Alex Berenson lawsuit - POLITICO)

Berenson, a vocal critic of the government’s pandemic response, sued Twitter after the company kicked him off the site for describing Covid vaccines as an advance therapeutic with risky side effects. The complaint got its first preliminary hearing in a San Francisco federal court on Thursday.

Is “Disinformation Governance Board” right wing sarcasm for press secretary, or does the Republican party have such a thing? So hard to tell these days.

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Part of the DHS, created last week by Biden’s administration, actually. Republicans were briefly outraged before starting to dream up ways to subvert it and make it an even worse idea…


More legacy of our Dope in Chief:


However, Lindell’s revival was short-lived. Three and a half hours after sending out his first tweet, he was re-banned.
“The account you referenced was permanently suspended for violating the Twitter Rules on ban evasion,” a Twitter spokesperson told The Daily Beast Sunday evening regarding the Lindell account.

Veteran Republican operative Roger Stone attempted to create a new account this past week, but the account was suspended within six hours of its creation.

A Twitter spokesperson told The Daily Beast this past Thursday: “The account referenced [Stone’s new account] was permanently suspended for violations of the Twitter Rules, specifically our ban evasion policy.”


Hmmm…“weirdified” - welp, it’s a word that deserves to be coined.