Did CNN ever break a story about what a hollow joke the CEO of GE was? Is? That wasn’t “opinions vary”?
Please. No sane person is enlightened by new turds slipping out of the Rump sandwich.
Really? I felt many different negative emotions when reading that headline, but disbelief wasn’t one of them.
Just read someone referring to Trump as Tweety Amin. Just seems so perfect I had to mention.
One way to use a political position to resist Trumpist violence:
And if she does face imprisonment for obstructing white supremacist terror, she’s still done the right thing.
So apparently Hope Hicks is quitting, and 45 just flipped on his stance on gun laws yet again…
“And now I want to show my total support for gun control… in my pants!”
After 8 years of gunhumpers living in absolute trembling fear of Barack Obama “taking away the guns” Donald Trump actually says he wants to “take the guns.”
And now he wants to start a trade war with China, so the stock market is crashing.
Well, the stock market is one of the few things that he might actually notice, so there’s that… If only he had some connection to reality, then that might do some good.
If he actually cared about the market, he wouldn’t go yapping about protectionist tariffs without legislation ready to put in place. That’s not even Finance 101… it’s Remedial Finance! I think he likes feeling like he can control the markets. The thing is, he can make them go down, but he can’t make them go up!
He huffed and he puffed, but he couldn’t etc.
Poor Melania.
Trump will respect other money or be impeached. He’s incompetent but will give his bosses in The House whatever they want so he can stay on the show.
That includes giving all the AR pattern arms dealers whatever he needs to given the media optics. His bullshit about arms control is more about telling the NRA to come up with a new iteration of bullshit than it is about doing anything about gun violence or war shit.
The stock market shocks are likely more about insider trading than even his own brand within MAGA.
Almost three more years of this?!?! Dear Dipshit, please stop fucking up my 401k, ok? Thanks.
Unglued? There ain’t enough Elmer’s in this country to put Dumpty back together again.
No, but glueing his piehole shut and his fingers together would probably work.