Our ex-so-called president

Yes. Even Romney’s niece, head of the Republican Parté, is defending Trump.


So much for Trump’s “surprise maverick element”. It only makes sense, since he won the primaries: his party supports him. Even after all this crap, even after all the things he’s done they claim they hate, they support him.


What kind of defense will they mount when it eventually comes to impeachment? Or is this the reason why Pilosi won’t mention the word?


IANAL, but I’m pretty sure that almost always depends on the details of the crime.


so, Trump endorsed the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Yeah, sure, you could argue that supporting the Mujahadeen was, in retrospect, a bad idea. You could could introduce all sorts of interesting nuance to the argument. But to endorse the Soviet rationale for invasion?


I can imagine a version of the Alien with the extra mouth being Putin, coming out of Trump’s mouth. Unfortunately.


My imagination isn’t that good with imagery.

For which I am once again thankful.


The movie was kinda funny, but the book is fucking scary. You need to read the book to truly understand how dangerous and repugnant Gust Avrakotos was.

Thanks to beschizza photoshops, so can i.


…And now also once again thankful that I left that place.


It’s actually in my bookcase, waiting to be read.


Yeh, now you grow a spine, after being slaughtered in the midterms… :roll_eyes:


Not even.

He’s never had a spine, and certainly isn’t demonstrating one here. He’s a classic Never Trumper. To summarize: “I don’t mind the things Trump is doing, I just wish they were being done by someone the GOP Establishment can control.”

Also, the GOP did okay during the midterms. They held control of the Senate and actually picked up a couple of seats. More worrisome is that this is due to DINOs being unseated by batshit crazy fuckin reactionaries. I’m including Kyrsten Sinema in with them, because I’d be charitable to even call her a DINO. The Democrats gained control of the House, but this was to be expected, as the non-presidential party usually gains control of the House during midterms.


The GOP were slaughtered in the midterms but the woefully corrupt US electoral system (nor the almost-wilfully piss-poor soap opera that the US has in place of a free press) did little to reflect that:

Trump has been toxic to the GOP for basically everyone except dyed-in-the-wool white supremacists, although that is still a depressingly large proportion of the US electorate.

Witness Romney et al (more will join in the next few months, I’m sure) suddenly voice their objections as they realise they’re fucked, democratically speaking.

Tiny violin.gif


The GOP knows that already. That’s why all the voting districts are gerrymandered so bad you can tell where the people of color live just by looking at a map, and why voters are constantly disenfranchised even in those wonky districts. The GOP doesn’t have to appeal to voters, they just need to make sure those who vote against them don’t vote.

And there’s nothing almost about the willfully piss-poor soap opera that is the US media.

In other words, their base.

The conservatives vote Democrat. The liberals suck it up and vote Democrat. The batshit fascists vote Republican and make up an honest third of the country.

They’re fucked because trump is incompetent, unhinged, and out of control, not because they should necessarily do anything differently.


Why was Trump standing in front of a line of skinheads today?


It makes his own hair look all the more amazing.


(a) It probably won’t.

(b) Impeachment is a purely political process. Law and evidence have no bearing on it.

If the Senate majority wants to impeach Trump, they will. If they don’t, they won’t. That’s all there is to it; the “defence” is irrelevant except in PR terms.



Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.

Q: Despite this risk, you were an advocate of this covert action. But perhaps you yourself desired this Soviet entry into war and looked to provoke it?

Brzezinski: It isn’t quite that. We didn’t push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would.

Q: When the Soviets justified their intervention by asserting that they intended to fight against a secret involvement of the United States in Afghanistan, people didn’t believe them. However, there was a basis of truth. You don’t regret anything today?

Brzezinski: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter: We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war

The Mujahideen were extreme-right terrorists, they were funded and armed by the USA before the Soviets were invited in by the Afghan government, and they quite likely were spilling over into Soviet territory.


So you can shoot them all with only one bullet.

not that I would, but I wouldn’t be particularly sad if someone did

“Our very great president of the United States.”