Put-Our-Rich-Criminals-in-Check Global Emporium

An interesting discussion about spending too long in a celebrity bubble. It’s relevant here in how it rhymes with the wealth bubble. Elon Musk, for example, may have built a robot in high school, but right now he doesn’t really have anything to offer his business ventures except the fact of being in control of some of the money.

How did that manifest itself? I felt like I was behind a window looking at my life. That had a lot to do with working so much. The only people you meet are on the set, and you’re waiting in your trailer, and you’re memorizing lines — I remember thinking, I want to have my own thoughts. Also it was hard to walk around anywhere. It was never about people being mean; it’s that I couldn’t move. I would sort of duck and cover, and that wasn’t what I wanted. Then my son came along in the middle of all that. I’d say to some of the people representing me at the time: “Guys, don’t leave me messages that say it’s an emergency. If something’s wrong with Jack, that’s an emergency. ‘The deal didn’t close’ isn’t one.”


Bad economic ideas often don’t even come from economics. Businessism strikes again.



They’re just missing the sideline in auditing and bond ratings. Mostly they just conspired to crash Puerto Rico.



The self-righteousness that surrounds food is a toxic mix of industrial-level gaslighting, poor shaming, systemic and active racism.

Next time you hear about “farmer assistance”, replace “farmer” with “landowner”. The money doesn’t necessarily flow to those doing the work.


Read the article and my sympathy for Iowa is nil. If they want their racism to drive out people, so be it. They can pay for being ignorant and lose businesses.


Nope, still not down with condemning a population for something put in place and enforced by bigoted rich people, subsequently given a fig leaf of freedom by saying, “Well, a small proportion of people ageed to this, therefore it’s a legit expression of what those people are like.” Your consistent attitude about red states is full-on trolling or unwitting loss to gamefication or simply not knowing anyone poor enough or unlucky enough to be stuck under the bootheel of an undemocratic regime.


One aspect of the original browser that got lost over time was that it was intended to be both a document viewer and editor.

When free tools get owned.


When the tools and the jobs are replaced by incompetent bullshit that’s easier to bank a 50% margin from.


OTOH, it’s a known problem with human intelligence, too.

Feed someone a steady diet of FauxNews, Breitbart, et. al, and you can turn even a supposedly smart, rational person into a hard-right Republican. And while one can break out of that, it requires the input of other data to do so.

That’s why the right wing fears education not fully controlled by them. There is data there that can change calculations, and it’s not even necessarily left-wing. Simply learning the structural patterns in oral history did more to put me on the path to where I am at today, then any of the more “lefty” classes I took. Another good one was the Criminology class (not normally a bastion of leftist thinkers) where it turned out that questioning the entire “expert-written” textbook was the right step. That’s where I learned the concept of data being biased.

TL;DR, humans aren’t as intelligent as we think we are, either.


But some humans do exercise good judgment on occasion. AI doesn’t exercise judgement at all, it simply implements the biases of the small community that owns that market. Or municipal court. Or the highway.


They all got paid at the end of it.


Tipped wage is bullshit. If I am paying a tip, it should be on top of what is at least minimum wage. My purchase of the service is my contribution to their wage. My tip is meant for the individual(s) who served me, not the company. Tippable wage means that I am rewarding the company beyond mere patronage, not the person doing the actual hard work.


Having majored in Cognitive Philosophy, I’m not surprised at all.

The big issue is that people are not machines that communicate to themselves in binary and computers are. Once they fix the hardware problem, they can fix the software problem.


Why not empower the billions of intelligences we’ve already made? The jobs we have are mostly just picking up our own shit anyway.


Hm, the link isn’t boxing – remember that cryptocurrency guy who died of Crohns while visiting India, and no-one knew the password to the laptop where he kept millions of dollars of currency in cold wallets?

Surprise! The wallets are empty – long empty.

Now the question is whether the guy faked his death, or was killed for the money.




(It’s about the power of a union, and a savvy union leader.)


Not usually a Hollywood Reporter fan, but it’s fun to read through this and do the rough arithmetic on how much this is affecting viewers/subscribers: