Put-Our-Rich-Criminals-in-Check Global Emporium

Sledge the rich…


Ok, this may not be precisely in the vein of this thread, but I can’t think of a better one…

(1) Call my cell any day between 4:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. If I am not already on the phone with another opposing counsel, I will answer and spend up to five minutes on the phone with you. At the end of our five-minute talk, I may instruct my staff to schedule a longer meeting with you if you satisfy the criteria set forth in #2 below. Please note that I spend just five minutes on each call, so if I don’t answer when you call, wait a few minutes and try again.

“Begin by providing my office with a specific agenda of items you would like to discuss,” he wrote. “Be sure to identify the tangible outcomes to be achieved as to each item, and persuasively describe how these outcomes, if achieved, would promote the greatest recovery for my client […] If your email persuades my staff that using my time to meet with you is legally required or is likely to be a worthy investment from the perspective of my client, then they will schedule a meeting (probably a meeting by phone initially),”


Really can’t decide if that’s a hoax or not. Really can’t.


Yeah. I can see some frustrated person at Google pushing back like this.

I can also see someone doing a 'shoop for shits and giggles.

I can also see someone doing a 'shoop to highlight goings on at Google.

All are plausible, given what hss been happening there.


I’m actually down with this:

Nothing like turning their kids hearts to appreciate what makes their own blood boil.


Not to mention the spirit of the idea. If you say free for all, you must mean it.


The entitlement programs which have really widespread support are the ones which cover everyone, Medicare and Social Security.

If ANYONE is excluded from a program, eventually, it will be the poor and disenfranchised to who are excluded. The only way to make it fair, is to include everyone. Plus that has the advantage of avoiding any kinds of “means testing” and the bureaucracy and any mean-spirited-ness that goes with that.

I think it would be really nice if we lived in a world where some pigs are not “more equal” than other pigs. In that world, more people would know that Animal Farm had a message that wasn’t really “communism bad”.


I’ve used the “some are more equal than others” quote for years.

I was approached sometime ago by a peer that “a number of people did not understand the work I was referencing” and perhaps I shouldn’t rely on literary references to get a point across.

I have ignored the advice.


I have more sympathy for unfamiliarity with long works (Atlas Shrugged, or Anna Karenina) than for one which is high school level, at best, and takes no more than an afternoon to complete.

FWIW, I’ve read Atlas Shrugged multiple times (while not being an adherent of anything) but never Anna Karenina. I still know that happy families are the same, but unhappy familes are unhappy in all sorts of ways. Blame my liberal arts education.

But also, figuring out that “some are more equal than others” means something’s fucky isn’t much of a stretch.


I mean, the quote sort of seems self-explanatory to me – something Animal Farm uses to make a point, rather than something that needs Animal Farm for context. If you kept saying “donkeys live a long time” that might be a different matter.


Well, I’ve also told people I’m going to end up being the Horse from Animal Farm, which does need the story to be meaningful.


Okay: Michael Bloomberg is probably not making a conscious play for the “kratom-track” Maoist vote in South Carolina. But it is remarkable how much the patron saint of neoliberal paternalism’s views on China overlap with those of “tankie” Twitter. It’s hard to imagine that a figure like Sanders or Elizabeth Warren could have argued that Xi is not a dictator — and that the Chinese Communist Party is accountable to majoritarian opinion — without suffering broad bipartisan condemnation. Yet Bloomberg’s remarks in September prompted few calumnious columns on the authoritarianism of the anti-populist center. Which is unfortunate, since the U.S. business community’s interests in Beijing make this political tendency a genuine threat.


Going one step further away four legs good eight legs better.

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“My faith in humanity is restored,” Musk told reporters in the hallways of the courtroom.


The humanity of sweaty narcissist alien beings?

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If you needed another reason to say “fuck Amazon”

I count myself lucky. My local bookstore lets me order online, pick up instore and not pay until it gets there. They will hold onto it for two weeks, which is longer than the post office or a courier company, where I would have to go to pick up things, anyway. And while Libro.fm doesn’t have the same # of titles thanks to Amazon being publisher and distributor for Audible – something any decent anti-trust law should make illegal, they also support my local bookstore. Maybe see if they support yours. And fuck Amazon for treating creators like shit and enabling/encouraging this kind of behavior from customers.