Roe vs Wade overturned

Alito’s weak reasoning pretty well obliterated here:

"Alito’s assertion that abortion rights don’t fall under the 14th Amendment, and that the Constitution makes no mention of abortion as a right, calls into question a wide range of other supposed rights for which no mention of any kind appears in the Constitution.

But under his rationale, the Constitution offers no spelled-out rights to the unborn. In fact, it specifically excludes the unborn from having rights under the very 14th Amendment that Alito dissects as the basis for the conservative majority’s opinion.

Consider the amendment’s opening phrase: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof …” followed by the stipulation that no state shall “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property,” without due legal process and equal protection. That opening paragraph specifically applies to women as a subset of all people who qualify as having been born — and it specifically does not apply to those who have not yet been born."


“Domestic supply of infants”

Domestic. Supply. of Infants?!?!?! Fuck, that’s dystopian

And this whole thread:


more in this paper

Adoption Experiences of Women and Men and Demand for Children to Adopt by Women 18–44 Years of Age in the United States, 2002

If you need a searchable copy of Alito’s screed, I’ve reOCRed and uploaded it here.

The original was one long string without spaces, so cmd-find wasn’t effective.




Notably, though: that bit of the judgement isn’t an Alito original. It’s a quote from the CDC.

As always, this isn’t just about a handful of celebrity politicians. It’s society-wide.

As with many other issues, the USA is a notably regressive outlier on gender politics compared to the rest of the OECD. And this is visible culturally, not just politically.

For a trivial but telling example: last night I watched the Australian women’s rugby team take on Fiji. Full contact, same game as the men, broadcast in prime time on a major network.

Much the same applies to the Women’s AFL.

Meanwhile, across the pond:

This is not to suggest that Australia is any sort of gender paradise; the current government spent much of its term covering up a rape scandal within Parliament, for fuck’s sake. Australian society is thoroughly patriarchal and misogynistic.

But the USA is notably worse.


“Basic decency”. “Civil peace”. “Don’t terrify families”.

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Wow. These people are SCARY.


I used to wonder how Hitler found people to line up and carry out his orders.

Now we know that we too have no end of supply of little monsters.


Living in the South, I see all these well meaning people who do the most horrible things. I just can’t anymore with their ignorance.


They’re unable to come up with anything intelligent, so this is the shit they’ve been resorting to for decades…hell, for almost a century.

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Hell, it works on little kids, has for centuries:

Promise something wonderful if they obey, something horrible if they don’t.

Then, don’t follow through on the first promise.


US media and political elites have spent the last week having a sustained meltdown because a small group of completely nonviolent unarmed protesters briefly stood outside a house while surrounded by cops and corporate media.

Meanwhile, in Sri Lanka…

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beginning to feel that this setback will ultimately jusitfy stronger actions for choice. If dems had codified abortion “unprovoked” it would have given conservatives years of cover for using it against them. Now since they will greatly overreach, retribution to codify will be justified.

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Note: Cuellar is the only current Dem openly advocating for forced birth.

But you’ve still got plenty of ex-forcers around (Kaine, Biden, etc) who only flipped because it was politically advantageous to do so, and will be happy to flip back as soon as they think they can profit from it.