Mealses outbreak in Texas but they do this because they don’t think CDC officials can come. They cancelled the last one because it was too close to the CDC one.
It is bullshit. They should have held the conference because the CDC isn’t going to come or hold a national one
I’m so old… [Chorus] "How old are you?
I’m so old that I got measles, mumps, and chicken pox the good old-fashioned way. I have no memory of getting rubella (we called it German measles in medieval times) but I understand the symptoms can be very mild.
I’ve always blithely assumed that I had lifelong immunity, Now I wonder. I don’t know the order in which I got those childhood infections, but if I got measles last, could it have damaged my immune memory for the others? My daughter got chicken pox before the first universal immunization in Ontario (hard to believe that was only in 2004) but I didn’t get it.
To answer your possible next question, my wife and I got the shingles shot as soon as it was available.
I have been asked this question many times recently. Wonder why? Anyway, the two-phase answer is, if you really want to know and not just go by “statistically probable,” you need to get titers. Or, if your insurance and PCP will go along with it, or you just want to go down to CVS or whatever and pay for it, you can just get the shot. Overvaxxing is a myth, and if you get an “unneeded” booster, oh well, you are certainly protected. When UVA bought my practice, I had all the titers drawn as part of the pre-employment physical. To my surprise, my measles, mumps and hep B titers were not protective. So, I got the shots again. (And I was born in '64, so did get the vaccine, but it was only a single dose and in hindsight, not adequate.)
NPR just put this out. It’s a nice explainer of exactly what we are up against, and why high vaccination rates matter, and low vaccination uptake is so dangerous.
I just learned on Reddit that you shouldn’t get the measles vaccine because you need the benefits of catching the measles.
Such as lowering you’re risk of cardiovascular disease and strokes.
That doesn’t sound right but I thought I should ask.
They told me to research a certain doctor who’s not a doctor, I did, this is their source.
Last year, over the course of several months, I had the honor of interviewing several extraterrestrials from advanced civilizations. They discussed the nature of God, evolution of the soul, universal laws, the true nature of time, alternative energy, the real cause of disease, shadow governments, and lots more!
I have a morbid pet hunch where I suspect it’s worse also because ivermectin can cause diarrhea. Like firstly some people get addicted to just regular laxatives for a variety of reasons, especially people who are already sick and old. Then they can see something happening and it relieves a problem makes them feel better and makes them feel like the medicine really did something to “remove parasites.”
Parasites can be magic in people’s minds much like toxins. And purging can bring relief to a whole host of issues and can release endorphins. Anyway I wish I hadn’t known as much as I know now that’s for sure.
It’s unclear if any measles parties are occurring in Gaines or elsewhere; “It’s mostly been… social media talk,” Cook said in response to a follow-up question from Ars. He noted that measles parties and chickenpox parties were more common practices decades ago, before vaccines for both diseases were available. But he again warned about the dangers today. “Please don’t do that. It’s just foolishness; it’s playing roulette,” he said.
On a more positive note, Wells reported that the outbreak has seemed to sway some vaccine-hesitant parents to get their children vaccinated. Just yesterday in Lubbock, over 50 children came into the city’s clinic for measles vaccines. Eleven of those children had vaccine exemptions, meaning their parents had previously gone through the state process to exempt their child from having to receive routine childhood vaccines to attend school. “Which is a really good sign; that means our message is getting out there,” Wells said.
So far in the outbreak, which erupted in late January, messaging about the disease and the importance of vaccination has exclusively come from state and local authorities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention only released a brief statement late Thursday, which was not sent through the agency’s press distribution list. It did, however, note that “vaccination remains the best defense against measles infection.”
Mexicans warned not to travel to Texas over measles
Mexico has issued a warning to its citizens asking them not to travel to Texas and seven other states in the U.S. due to a measles outbreak.
In a statement issued by Mexico’s Health Secretary, it describes 106 cases of measles in the states of Alaska, California, Georgia, New Jersey, New York, New Mexico, Rhode Island and in nine counties throughout Texas.
good thing we have such a great surgeon general (ol’ joe ladapo) to get right on to the public outreach to vacci…nate…
oh, wait…
“forget it, Jake, it’s florida-da…”
outbreak at Palmetto High School…
guess you could say they caught a palmetto bug?