(The governor of vermont is a republican)
holy shit, this is amazing.
I had no idea where to post it - here? Bernie Memes? Found Randomly on the 'Net?
maybe in memes? dunno. we didn’t elect him, so it doesn’t really fit here, i guess.
Well, is the “we” in the topic title the “we” of Elsewhere or the “we” of the voters? I mean, SOMEone elected him, lol…
oh, good question. i took it to mean the latter.
Me too - ‘lessin’ we got someone from the VeeTee, lol.
Straight-up voter suppression.
Which is the same as vote nullification, which is what people should be mad about.
Note what her mask says.
Kamala Harris says she is running for Democratic nomination
She was endorsed by Joe Biden.
Majority of Democrats think Kamala Harris would make a good president
Oakley Graham, a Democrat in Greenwood, Missouri, said while he is “pretty happy” with Biden’s accomplishments in office, he felt that he would be more excited to support Harris at the top of the ticket and that it was “about time” a woman becomes president.
this kind of thing drives me insane. it doesn’t matter! SHE says to call her “Comma La” – she’s fine with that! so that’s how you say it! Nobody gets to correct someone on how to pronounce their own damn name.