Ah. We have the equivalent version here in the major newspapers from São Paulo. We’ve had cases of editorials against the government with something like “Lula didn’t commit any crime or break any rules when he did such a thing, but it’s very wrong and he’s ugly, stupid and has a pumpkin face.” Of course I exaggerated, but the idea is just like that.
You know what I’m sick of? Dipshits believing that they need to tell the rest of us how to be in this world.
For real…
The one thing I know for sure about religious or non-religious beliefs is that nobody has ever put any thought into them, nobody has any real reasons for believing what they do, so if some guy decides to give them a couple minutes of superficial thought and writes out what he came up with then we should definitely all forget everything and listen to that invaluable wisdom.
I would not impugn the character of Mr Douthat. He is undoubtably an honourable man.
His arguments often come down to questions of civility, and how there should be more of it in the world.
And it’s not that he supports fascism, it’s just that he keeps coming around to why it’s a bad thing that we aren’t more considerate of the feelings of Nazis and Confederates. And it’s not that he’s antiSemitic, it’s just that he says there’s a problem with Cosmopolitan Elites who show no particular loyalty to any country and really control everything and it’s their own fault what happens to them really.
It’s not that he’s a fascist or a racist or an antisemite (it would, after all, be uncivil to accuse him of such), it’s just that his pieces always seem to support fascists and racists and antisemites.
But he himself is an honourable man.
Bret Stephens is locked in a toilet with a bedbug, so he’s AFK.
Yes. Why would anyone dou that?
St David’s Day today
‘Gwnewch y pethau bychain mewn bywyd’ - ‘Do the little things in life’
‘Keep your penance simple. If you don’t pray daily, START! And keep THAT simple. BREATHE a few times to get quiet. thank GOD for his gifts. ask for NO MORE than 3 things……’
People are looking around at each other and rolling their eyes, like, ‘Do I need this.’
He warned us to give up whatever we were over attached to: ‘sweets or PORN, your devices or GOSSIP.’
So I asked God why this guy drove me so crazy—toupee or tone—and my head (trying to imitate God) said, Can I not make good issue from any of us?’
For my red-hot, categorizing brain in nonstop judgement mode most needs correction from Father Toupee.
May my lenten fast please even him.
Could you please clarify this? Specifically “nobody”.
I believe the “/s” was missing, that’s all.
I figured the eyeroll amounted to much the same thing. To make my opinion clear, telling people what you believe and why is a fine way to share something about yourself, but people who say what others should think with the assumption they’ve never thought about these things are condescending jackasses.
cross posting from the Israel/Palestine thread, because it has some interesting discussion on Judaism, the modern era of secularism, and why some holidays in the Jewish calendar are more focused on than others…
And it strikes me that some of his analysis can be used a lens to think about modern day white Evangelicalism and Islamism, too, especially the narrative of innocence in actions, even violent ones.
Since it’s Ramadan, here is a story about dates (the traditional way to break the fast each evening)…