Would people recognize it as intended?
Looks to me like it might appear on the uniform of a highly decorated general.
Would people recognize it as intended?
Looks to me like it might appear on the uniform of a highly decorated general.
There are other more flag-like options.
It is really hard not to catatrophize each piece of breaking news. The attack on civil service, which really means an attack on the systems that underpin our safety, economy, food and water supply, and the like, is closer to an act of war than a change of governing philosophy.
If it isn’t war, then it is so mind bogglingly stupid as to defy belief. It is equivalent to blowing up the supports of a bridge because you don’t believe in gravity. I think sabotage is a much more believable explanation.
But once the feelings about this or the attack on DEI or the takeover of OPM systems or the gutting of the FAA etc etc pass, I feel a responsibility to return to a state of readiness.
What can I do? I can call my reps. I can check in with my people. I can help other people regain their calm. I can help checked out people check back in. I can help people focus on what matters.
It is very easy to be pessimistic, especially because of the stranglehold MAGA has over media. But I remember that each one of the millions of people that have been or are about to be hurt have their own networks of people.
Each time they tell their own story, there is a potential of reaching someone within the MAGA information bubble. Personal stories and individual networks will break through the propaganda as things get worse.
Each time a republican congressmember gets inundated with consistuent phone calls there is a chance they will resist the next terrible law that is introduced.
Staying politically disciplined means you are committing to be part of a network that can accelerate and broadcast acts of resistance so they become power.
Staying politically disciplined means recognising when your emotional well-being is at risk, and then getting what you need to feel better.
Each person will have their own way of doing this. Some are capable of staying very plugged in; some need to stay away from most news and social media. There is no formula. There is only a commitment to be ready to contribute in some way, shape or form to salvaging what we can and rebuilding when the time comes.
see also:
I wish I could make one myself - where’s Heathkit when I need 'em?
This has been percolating for a few days now; if you have, or know people who have school age children, maybe think about collecting up textbooks and other books on things like history, science social studies, etc, because the school systems in many areas are already purging and rewriting those things. People with children might have to begin some level of homeschooling or extracuricular studies to counteract what the schools may not be teaching, or giving false information.
That’s UHT milk. Super common in (some of) Europe.
I wish I could get it here in Norway
I think I remember wearing safety pins, but have never seen it. Perhaps it needs to be brought back.
Also, look to your local little free libraries.
Online and on the app, the libraries are frequently tagged with things like “Banned Books,” “Read in Color,” and such, which means the libraries try to stock the kind of things the children likely need to read.
Also, the banned book club linked below provides some excellent resources. This is like a real library, so each book can only be checked out by one person at a time, but even if items aren’t available, there’s always the open seas.
The comments section there is good too.
I opened my box of ultra-pasteurized milk today. It was great on cereal. It did however make my coffee taste a little “heavier.” I think I will try 2% next time instead of whole.
I now have enough frozen and canned items on hand to last for an unpleasant month.
I have also started turning-over some of my older emergency supplies. For example, tonight I opened my can of bacon-flavored Spam. Apparently I bought this in March of 2020. From one Trump administrative disaster to another.
I have to report back, it was actually good. Probably the best tasting Spam I have ever had. Tasted like at one point it used to be alive. Unfortunately I don’t see this in the store anymore.
For the record, if anyone is curious, I’m not a bit meat eater. Once or twice a week at the most.
That’s the one I usually buy, but I’m not a milk drinker. I use it to cook or thin/stretch high sodium canned chowder or cream soups. My most recent reason to buy it was for Ninja CREAMi ice cream recipes. Now I’m done paying for Big Ice Cream products.
After donating some pandemic supplies that went uneaten, it forced me to reconsider what went on the list to re-stock. Instead of Spam, I bought Deviled Ham and Hormel chili. Both are easy to open pop-tops, and don’t have to be heated. Progresso and larger Campell’s soups have the same advantage.
This is why I keep graham crackers, sardines, chips & salsa, chocolate, and gorp to switch things up and lighten my mood. If the worst happens, some variety helps me to keep eating. I also keep popcorn, in case there’s power.
I concede you will need a place to make a fire. Or run a propane campstove or grill.
More of this congressional backbone, plz!!
I hope she solid “strategies for survival” locked in.
So grateful for this sharp, courageous woman representing the people of Texas living in Dallas and Tarrant Counties. The tonic we need. Just wow.
Tired of talking?
Ever think of a good riposte, only a day or week after some vigorous exchange of ideas?
Have access to a printer?
Some people process info better with their eyes than they do with their ears.
This was 5 days ago, and the situation has escalated since.
You’ll see they’re all related, in that they reference each other and then make their own points: