Strategies for Survival

If it gets too hot but not humid enough, maybe not. Did any survive Hiroshima &/or Nagasaki?


(post deleted by author)

This comes from the NYT?
Disengenous Twats.

I accept Donald Trump’s victory. - I have no choice, I’m not on the side that stormed the fucking Capitol.

I will be a watchdog, not a lap dog. - Again, I’m not a republican.

I will subscribe to a news organization. - Please buy our shit excuse for a paper.

I will try to understand why so many Americans disagree with me. - I already understand hateful, spiteful bigotry - don’t expect me to condone that shit.

I will keep my cool. - Fuck Right Off.

I will care for my mental health. - Not much choice there, Bub, no-one else is gonna be left.

I will push for blue places to govern themselves better. - WTAF? 'Cos the red states are setting such a good example?

I will temper my strong views with humility. - Too fucking late.

I will share Thanksgiving with relatives, even if I think they’re nuts. - Nope.


I missed out a bunch, but I didn’t wanna give you lot sore eyeballs.
Just hadda get that rant out (of) my system.