Systems of education and its discontents




Hear hear (or is it here here?)ā€¦

If you are tired of the drumbeat of inevitability that insists English faculty adopt AI into our teaching practices, I am here to tell you that you are allowed to object. Using an understanding of human writing as a means to allow for-profit technology companies to dismantle the imaginative practice of human writing is abhorrent and unethical. Writing faculty have both the agency and the academic freedom to examine generative AIā€™s dishonest training origins and conclude: There is no path to ethically teach AI skills. Not only are we allowed to say no, we ought to think deeply about the why of that no.


Hear, hear.


Kraft Heinz pulls Lunchables meals from US national school lunch program

Thereā€™s something really sad that a corporation thought that selling Lunchables to low income kids was an untapped market for growth, and that school administrators thought this was a great idea really takes the cake :roll_eyes: iā€™m glad this failed but this still means there likely still arenā€™t good options for low income kids.


I hope itā€™s replaced with something healthier. That food mustā€™ve been Mickey Dā€™s level garbage.


For real, the quality of school lunches in the US is straight up embarrassing


True for the most part. Howeverā€¦
Kiddo attended a magnet elementary school for kindergarten and the first few years of elementary. It was a Title 1 school due to location and enrolling a high percentage of low-income kids. The cafeteria was a food lifeline for a lot of those kids. As a regular volunteer at the school I ate in the lunchroom often, and though basic, the hot food that was cooked there was good. (The prepackaged crap they served for breakfast was, well, crap.) I managed to get back into the kitchens and pantry areas once, and all was spotless.
I think it was the teacher for gifted program who explained that the Title 1 schools were assigned the best lunchroom employees because the food really mattered there.


From one report I saw, apparently the sodium levels in the ā€œschool lunchā€ versions were notably higher than in the versions on sale elsewhere. :angry:


IMHO, it made McDā€™s look like health food. The salt and fat content of thoseā€¦ ā€œmealsā€ā€¦ is astronomical. There is a reason they so damned cheap, and it ainā€™t because Kraft is so big hearted.


While these are just observations within our own high school, we believe that this is happening across the country. Young, well-off white boys from liberal families are being tempted by conservatism simply to protect an archaic idea of masculinity that guarantees them inherent power. It is not as if they are against abortion, or care much about the economy or immigration, or even feel remotely attracted to the rest of conservative dogma. But clearly, a shift back toward traditional gender roles is resonating with them now as progression toward female empowerment threatens their already delicate self esteem.

So how do we address this, going forward? How do we ensure that young boys practice critical thinking instead of falling victim to Trumpā€™s rhetoric with its focus on recommitting to gender stereotypes that we believed had finally been eradicated?

Parents, we urge you to be aware of this growing phenomenon and teach your children about the dangers of calculated political movements designed to further one politicianā€™s agenda. Until we do so, it is likely this pattern will continue. Boys in our school as young as eight are beginning to exhibit these same misogynistic tendencies that we never remember noticing when we were their age. And the most dangerous aspect of this is how little itā€™s talked about in mainstream media and how easily it has been overlooked in progressive communities. In fact this is an epidemic that will continue to spread rapidly until we start talking about it.


Hereā€™s a big part of the problem:

Spotify Top Podcasts:

  1. The Joe Rogan Experience
  2. The Tucker Carlson Show
  3. This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von
  4. Shawn Ryan Show
  5. Story Time with K (kids story time)
  6. Candace (Owens)
  7. The Charlie Kirk Show
  8. The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart
  9. The Megyn Kelly Show
  10. REDACTED: Declassified Mysteries with Luke Lamana

Numbers 1, 3, 4, and 7 all appeal to young men and all are right wing. Numbers 2, 6, and 9 are also right wing even though they donā€™t specifically target young men. Only the Jon Stewart show is on the political left. At this point, between podcasts, FoxNews/NewsMax/OAN, and social media, right wing propaganda has become ubiquitous. It has, for the time being, won the information war. The left just doesnā€™t have the same level of presence in peopleā€™s lives. This is the thing we need to focus on fixing. This is the problem.


Yeah, in part because itā€™s deeply profitableā€¦ Itā€™s much harder to make facts and leftist politics profitable, because itā€™s rarely based on click-bait types of outrage contentā€¦


Speaking of social media, my YouTube recommendations are starting to show a ton of right wing content. I have never, every consumed any right wing content. There is no reason why any of this stuff should be getting recommended to me, but it is. I mean Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson bullshit. I really donā€™t want to start buying into conspiracy theories, but I canā€™t think of any reason why this content would show up in my recommendations.



Thatā€™s right fucked upā€¦ every now and again, Iā€™ll see some right wing bullshit on mine, but for the most part itā€™s still heavily weighted towards the left or centrist news outletsā€¦ But I think that the algorithm has long been fucked and isnā€™t as neutral as they like to portray.


thankfully you can tell YT to never recommend the video or more specifically a channel