Systems of education and its discontents


Only a ginger can call another ginger “ginger”.


But more seriously, they’re trying to eliminate all action against discrimination, and (because fascists live in backwards land) they’re doing it saying that anti-discrimination efforts are discriminatory. And by “eliminate”, I mean not just to stop doing it, but to scrub all information about it, all research, all documentation, all history. They’re working on not just undoing but unexisting the Disability Rights movement, the LGBTQI+ rights movement, the Civil Rights movement, and the Women’s Liberation movement.

They are re-imposing segregation, on the basis that desegregation is racist. They are removing women from the workplace and public participation on the basis that gender equity is sexist. They’re going to remove all accommodations for disabled people because it’s impractical and just plain common sense.

They’re making exclusion, humiliation, and shame core to public policy.

I’m pretty sure they don’t mean to include prejudice against redheads and the left-handed in that, but they’re not going to weep about it.



Archive link so that you don’t have to sign up for spam to read the article:


Towards the end they discuss the role of University presidents and how they used to be expected to speak out in favor of the university being a key institution of democracy, and how now, they’re expected to talk about self-preservation… honestly, the post-great recession put them in that position. It probably go deeper than that, too. The far right has been attacking “woke” universities for a while, and as the funding for colleges has dried up and/or been privatized, they’ve already been trained to think of themselves as acting like a university is a business. I think this probably cuts across the “private-public” distinctions, as the major private unis need to think about their endowments and growing it, while public universities, are seeing the need to push up tuition costs at a time when fewer students can afford to pay it (forcing them to go deep into debt just to get a BA). That led to freezes on new lines for tenured profs, in favor of more adjuncts or more grad students teaching. Over worked adjuncts or inexperienced grad students are less able to give students the education they deserve. So, this made colleges and universities easy pickings for this movement to come along and gut them more easily.