White people, and US citizens in general, would gladly do those jobs if they paid better and came with a benefits package. Undocumented immigrants are exploitable.
We may be about to find out what food in a capitalist system without exploitable labor costs. Of course, once everyone is broke from skyrocketing inflation, we’ll have exploitable labor again. It will just be us.
I expect the Dems to get busy crafting bipartisan strike breaking efforts and lowered environmental regulations as well as work programs for “at risk” youth and help the Republicans to defend labor abuse without even bringing in the literal army!
President Donald Trump indicated Saturday that he had spoken with the king of Jordan about potentially building housing and moving more than 1 million Palestinians from Gaza to neighboring countries, a remarkable proposal from a sitting US president.
“You’re talking about a million and a half people, and we just clean out that whole thing,” Trump said
Tells me that Dump doesn’t understand the situation and has never learned history of Jordan, the Palestinians, and the PLO. Hamas makes the PLO seem quaint by comparison, and they tried to assassinate King Hussein, King Abdullah’s father.
Tim Snyder says (aside from “don’t obey in advance”) ; be a monkey wrench in the works, or sand, to slow things down. I anyone knows how to slow things down, it’s bureaucrats.
Arghh! Too many conversations! I was referring to the gay man who’s concerned that the Turnip administration may go after more than “just” trans people. I probably replied to the wrong person.
Oh gee, who could have predicted that… Trump pushing for total ethnic cleansing in Gaza!!! The guy who put in a UN ambassador who supports Greater Israel!!! /s
That’s how he views ALL people. He cares for no one but himself.
A few people said what’s the problem the citizens weren’t deported and were released.
Today, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents raided a local establishment in the City of Newark, detaining undocumented residents as well as citizens, without producing a warrant. One of the detainees is a U.S. military veteran