Just for the hell of it Canada could switch to 240VAC, 50Hz to align with Europe. That would be interesting.
The idea brings the giggles
, but in real life it would have little to no impact on power transmission. The interconnectors are usually (all?) high voltage DC, because synchronizing two countries is pretty tricky.
I had a closer look, and there just aren’t that many HVDC interconnectors in the border mix. It looks like either the Canadian and US grids are mostly directly connected AC, or there are some phase-shifting transformers in the mix. In which case, yes, shifting to 50 Hz would be, um, impactful. But I wouldn’t want to be the one to explain to Canadians that they all had to buy new appliances.
After you pay for fencing, feed, and misc starter items, backyard chickens pay for themselves after a year or two, depending how many foxes and rats you have in the neighbourhood. You can do it reliably on the cheap if you’re handy and time-rich.
If you live in an apartment, or a house with neighbours who don’t like chickens, good luck.
It also bears noting: part of the current price of eggs is driven by a bird flu epidemic. People who aren’t around birds much aren’t at risk. The math is left as an exercise.
Also: watch the price of laying hens go through the roof in 3, 2, 1 …
ETA: My wife just pointed out: “She’s the Secretary of Agriculture. Isn’t her job representing the interests of professional food producers? She doesn’t understand chickens, epidemiology, or her job.”
Wait, there’s more.
You forgot to mention HOAs. I’m pretty sure the gated community where the Ag Secretary lives has a covenant against “barnyard” animals.
I’m sure Putin’s oligarchs are going to love EU countries deciding to take their frozen assets to make up the difference in reduced US support.
I suspect that Comrade Krasnov will be supplying the Russians with arms pretty soon, and it looks like he’s going to lift sanctions, so maybe he’ll do a trade deal with Russia, and the Russian economy could pick up.
We’ve done it before when we switched over from the 25Hz system in 1949 for most customers. Some 25Hz stations were still running to 2008. Now that we’re off incandescent bulbs we could switch back without the flicker. I guess we’d have to rev up a appliance industry to support it.
Might be a good idea…
That said, I still run a motor here designed for 50Hz 200V () but at 60Hz 240. Higher Hz is faster RPM’s but lower current in the coils. It’s been 20 years, no complaints from it.
Isn’t sunlight also a factor?
& if someone’s “yard” is the fire escape, I guess it’s their fault for living in a city. Sad!
Also, why couldn’t they just denied her entry to the US? She didn’t even leave the port of entry. They could have told her that they believed she was breaking the terms of her visa, revoked it, and sent her back to Mexico. Or put her on a plane back to Germany with her ticket.
This was needlessly cruel. I hate our current government, but the immigration system has been broken ever since they’ve privatized and monetized incarceration.
While i was getting my haircut yesterday, some day time show was discussing how expensive that would be. I didn’t pay a lot off attention, but i think they concluded it was impracticable to save money at a small scale. And believe or not, you can rent chickens.
We could never do that because this gentleman likes his chicken.
That article can’t be real, right? Like, no acknowledgement of the background of the skit at all? Neither the suit thing nor the blue and yellow symbolism when he hugged Chalamet?
This genuinely reminds me of the kind of culture you find in totalitarian regimes, where criticism has to be so subtle that it can be denied even under scrutiny from censors. If not even CNN picks up on it, it might have been too subtle.
I don’t see what you’re complaining about. It’s not like anyone referenced Winnie the Poo or anything.