While i was getting my haircut yesterday, some day time show was discussing how expensive that would be. I didn’t pay a lot off attention, but i think they concluded it was impracticable to save money at a small scale. And believe or not, you can rent chickens.
We could never do that because this gentleman likes his chicken.
That article can’t be real, right? Like, no acknowledgement of the background of the skit at all? Neither the suit thing nor the blue and yellow symbolism when he hugged Chalamet?
This genuinely reminds me of the kind of culture you find in totalitarian regimes, where criticism has to be so subtle that it can be denied even under scrutiny from censors. If not even CNN picks up on it, it might have been too subtle.
“What a joke, finding out from colleagues and online – and not directly,” said this employee, who requested anonymity so he doesn’t get fired, again.
Fake news! They did send him a direct notice! – To his work email. Which he no longer had access to. Because they had fired him.
I would 100% guarantee that sort of thing is happening. Because that’s just how much this administration ‘thinks’ through what they’re doing.
Or perhaps the notice was posted on display…
“But the plans were on display…”
“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”
“That’s the display department.”
“With a flashlight.”
“Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.”
“So had the stairs.”
“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”
― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
This is pork barrel / ‘backhanders for support and influence’ politics at its worst and Trump is the pork barrel!
The states which will do best are clearly those whose representatives can shove their tongues furthest up his arse. Woe betide any state legislature doing anything he disapproves of - States’ rights will probably consist entirely of nothing more than a ‘right’ to ask him if he approves.
Marge had things to say but, maybe I missed it, has anyone proposed anything to address the demand for fentanyl?
Doesn’t alcohol kill Americans every day?
Doesn’t lack of health care kill Americans every day.
Don’t guns kill Americans every day?
Why is fentanyl all of a sudden the thing they want to stop killing Americans?
Today, the United States will implement 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada, under President Trump, in order to pressure both countries to stop the cartels from murdering Americans through cartel manufactured and trafficked fentanyl into America.
It is absolutely absurd that our neighboring countries, Mexico and Canada, allow cartels to flourish and kill Americans EVERYDAY!!
Under Biden and Democrats, our borders were wide open to murderers, rapists, terrorists, child predators, and the cartel’s massive billion dollar human and drug trafficking international operations and America suffered!
No more, it’s time it ends!
I fully support and thank President Trump for taking the necessary steps to defend and protect our great country and people!!
I must have missed the announcement about all the murderous cartels in Canada. Can somebody tell me where I can find it? I’d hate to look stupid when the topic comes up in today’s Two Minutes Hate.