I’ll discuss the fraud at USAID.
My first job was with a food aid contract to USAID.
I know A LOT about international food aid, not because I did anything at my job, but because I was so bored off my ass that I read all these academic papers that people spent a lot of time preparing and I don’t think we did anything with them. I think they were supposed to be for some conference. Anyway, I was bored and I read them.
There is a lot of grift in food aid. We send food aid to a country that’s war torn, and the local guerilla warriors take control of it and sell it. We send food aid to a country that has very few roads that can be navigated, people store them at their homes, and then people come and steal it. We send food aid in response to a famine, and then (as in the case of Chad), it becomes a major part of their country’s income.
Yep. There is a LOT of waste, a lot of theft, a lot of corruption.
AND also, the food does get to people who are starving.
Because, you know, people who live in crappy countries need food.
One of my BIG takeaways was how damaging war is. Most famines are caused by war. Lack of infrastructure is a huge deal. I remember reading how Mozambique had all these beaches, right? fish…and the roads were so bad, a lot of people couldn’t get to them, because of war.
International food aid doesn’t always go to help the downtrodden. It can end up being in the hands of an army; it often does. But, it still will get to people who otherwise would have starved.
We are SO SO SO PRIVILEGED in the US. We don’t know how it is to live in a country where people will just steal your shit. We can’t expect these governments to be models of efficiency.
The State Department deals with a lot of different countries with a lot of corruption. It’s the cost of doing business. We still help a lot of people.