Oh good!! Thank you (and you, @Kii)
wethebuilders.org is working for me, and appears to be handled through Cloudflare, certificate by LetsEncrypt, issued on the 20th.
And now I can see it, too…
Back up for me, too. One less thing to worry about! For now.
It looks fine now. No warning.
That warning is usually to let us know that the site’s certificate doesn’t pass various “smell tests”.
The certificate is to to confirm the site’s authenticity; that the people who operate this site and those who own the url wethebuilders.org are the same people, and you haven’t been sneakily redirected. It can break by accident, if you configure it incorrectly, or on purpose by others if the certificate is revoked at a higher level. I can’t tell which this was, and it’s working now.
Hoping against hope (as they rather oddly say) that this isn’t really why Tramp has been purging military leaders during the past 24 hours or so.
Canada shuffles nervously
We got around a couple of weeks ago to watching Denis Villeneuve’s Enemy (2013), and in the film Jake Gyllenhaal’s character quote’s Karl Marx:
“Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.”
I’m hoping that what we’re experiencing now doesn’t get any worse than a farce.
you have higher hopes than i.
I already like watching curling, and I’m willing to try poutine and learn some French. I’ve gotta draw the line at rooting for Canadian hockey teams, because my Red-Wings-loving sister would never forgive me, but up to that point, I’m in.
The Red Wings are gonna be Canadian, too!
I know, but they’re still our Detroit team first, and I am not getting between my sis and her beloved Red Wings for anything.
You mean Detroit, New Ontario?