Can confirm. We have chickens. The numbers have ranged between 2 and 8 chickens over the years. We’ve had the setup long enough that during good times the price is lower than store-bought ethical organic eggs - it helps that we have no profit margin to maintain. But it’ll never be cheaper than cage eggs. And not-good times are plentiful - chickens that get broody don’t lay eggs for three weeks, chickens get sick, there are foxes and hawks around here, etc.
The main reason we keep chickens for eggs is flavour. I thought I didn’t like hard-boiled egg yolks until I tried a fresh one. I love them when they’re fresh.
there are street chickens, and then there are the descendants of wild jungle fowl.
those are the feral fowl i battle every day!
domestic chickens wouldn’t survive in these flocks of marauders.
backyard poultry husbandry is not the answer.
stopping tRump is.