This is relevant if you skip to the 18 minute mark. The whole thing was worth watching.
Must have escaped from the “learn to fly straight for jet engines” training centre…
Sidebar: I don’t have to watch T—p’s performance, I can just watch the overnight futures trading on the stock and bond markets.
Marge is such a groupie hanging out on the aisle in her red hat.
It’s getting ugly.
Johnson is removing people.
Speaker just told the Sgt at Arms to remove Rep Green.
Yeah, I got that too. I reported it to YouTube as “Promoting hate speech.”
Maybe Trump could promote miniature cows like Castro did.
where you think white castle sliders come from?!
Are they any good? I’ve honestly never had one.
Yay, musk is out, he just said the days of unelected beurocrats are over.
depends on what you’re smoking.
A bald eagle in southern Ontario is quite rare; we’ve been seeing them in the northern parts of the province for a very few years, but this is the first I’ve heard of southern Ontario.
Ol’ Empty Gee? What did she do?
ETA; I see it’s a different Green. What did he do?
The most superlatives ever used by any other President. George Washington was second.
Isn’t that pronounced “sportspuck”?
We’re going to get Greenland one way or another.