The goddamn Trump Administration

So much THIS!

It’s really all Trump wants. A long line of tongues ready to lick his arse whenever he says and in any way he wants. When is he at his most brittle and unpredictable? When anyone gets in that line whose tongue is not hanging out ready to lick.


OMFG He’s flip-flopped So Many Times!

Remember, kids! No matter how much bling you put on 'em…

…no matter how much you dress 'em up…

…flip-flops are still flip-flops!!!


In some cases, photos seemed to be flagged for removal simply because their file included the word ”gay,” including service members with that last name and an image of the B-29 aircraft Enola Gay, which dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, during World War II.

Several photos of an Army Corps of Engineers dredging project in California were marked for deletion, apparently because a local engineer in the photo had the last name Gay. And a photo of Army Corps biologists was on the list, seemingly because it mentioned they were recording data about fish — including their weight, size, hatchery and gender.


Legally, we’d need 55% of a vote to do so. :thinking:


You know, I used to decry management consultants being brought in by corporates seeking to downsize and find savings, asking the consultants to analyse and identify places to lose people from and who to lose, or where else costs could be cut. I mocked the corporate leaders for not knowing enough about their own businesses to do it themselves; for bringing in third parties upon whom blame could be deflected. Ok - maybe sometimes they needed the extra resource as it is an ‘overhead’ of short duration and which they are not staffed for.

But now I rather respect those management consultant vultures. Ok, in some cases they just did what mgt told them to do (getting it done in someone else’s name) but often they did actually do some analysis and apply understood criteria. Compared to the the utterly fuckwitted stupidity and ignorance of the DOGE kiddies, those consultants look like they actually did a proper - and dare I say worthwhilediligent - job (sometimes).

The DOGE-kiddy approach of “find all and delete” as if it is a Word document that just needs a certain word excised throughout (and not even reviewing each deletion one by one) is beyond incompetent.


And here it is folks; the reveal that Krasnov wants access to Canada’s water. He wants to tear up century+ old treaties regarding our borders and water rights;


…while stripping Great Lakes protections!

Howzat sposed to work, krasnov?


(Oh how I wish Dems in general would start calling him President Krasnov. I mean, fuck decorum! And his use of belittling and otherwise obnoxious nicknames has only furthered his efforts and popularity.)


Paul Krugman, Nobel laureate in economics, former New York Times columnist now on Substack, distinguished professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center, and the author of (now in paperback) Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future (W. W. Norton & Company, 2020), offers his take on Pres. Trump’s trade policy.


Ladies and gentleman…ok, scratch ladies. Gentlemen, start your grifting!


Campaign promise: our murder rate is not good, but once you take away all our hand guns and assault rifles, it’ll be much, much better.

Things Canada will gain:
• You’ll get an American hand-egg team for the first time, another baseball team, another basketball team and all the Red Wings fans in South Detroit will no longer have to wait do dang long to get across the river to see a game at LCA (because crossings will no longer be an international border).
• A lot of breweries.
• A whole town dedicated to growing cherries.
• A lot of all-sport lakes.
• A nuclear power plant.
• A bunch of auto factories.
• Apple orchards, everywhere.
• Several world-class universities.
• Canadians will finally understand Michigan’s hate for Ohio.
• More beer league skaters than you can possibly imagine. And the sheets of ice to support all of us.

I’m sure there’s tons more we have to offer. @OhHai: The UP’s got yo have stuff on offer that I missed being a “troll” and all, care to add stuff for Canada’s consideration?


My neck of the woods.

It’s priceless because the person complaining is mad that the city told her that pesky little thing called the Constitution has their hands tied.

It’s also funny that the complainer hides their face while the owner of the signs is interviewed out in the open.

The sign lady also asks a very good question, why weren’t these neighbors concerned with the f**k Biden signs around the same neighborhood.

Watch the video in the article, the sign lady has no problem explaining herself.


This!!! Decorum only applies to certain sorts of statements, obviously. IOKIYAR.


I remember this happening under Reagan to my family. As the whole field they worked in suffered our family and even some of the people who lost jobs kept celebrating and talking about how great it was. If anyone tried to say they were scared they’d just get abused into agreeing.

The tone was like “barn burned. now I can see the moon.”


Fucking ghouls.


I think the best part of that segment is that reporter’s awesome hat!


Sold. :+1:

I would be cool if Illinois came along for the ride. :canada: would be all over having Malört as a new national tipple.