That’s a shame
It won’t matter. I am already seeing “But think how much worse it would have been under Harris!” bullshit. They will always justify their worship of the Orange Turd, and blame the bad outcomes on Biden, Obama or the Trans. Logic is evil and facts forbidden in that world.
Dictator shit
Indeed. That insanity deserves posting on its own:
Seems like Tramp gets intensely worse every week. Like he’s daring his enemies to cut him down.
FWIW, I’m all for limits of Presidental Pardon power. Over my time here on our blue marble, I’ve seen pardons become more and more common and certainly less than a rare way for a President to perform basically a save.
That said, under a normal SC or anything else, his “I declare these void” holds zero water and would be laughed away. I can’t be sure these days. But what he doesn’t understand (well, one thing, because that’s a whole library of stuff) is that any decision can almost definitely (again, barring the SC saying it only applies to Trump) be used against him. I’m actually fairly certain he knows this much, and that he also AutoPen’ed stuff (even Fox has said so), so this is just his normal nightly performative expulsion of hate while he sits along on the porcelain throne.
We’re truly being led by the stupidest and/or richest.
And after last week, I’m lacking hope of a light at the end of the tunnel. The Dems have a road map the GOP has done - complain non-stop about the issues in as simple a way as possible. Reagan forward has done it. Clinton famously dismantled Bush’s re-election (despite INCREDIBLY favorable feelings during the Kuwait part of the war) with “It’s the economy, stupid.” Dems are still writing thesis papers in tweets when our populace is only receptive to short messages.
(post deleted by author)
A lot of people are comfortable with authoritarian rule precisely because it is authoritarian; they don’t want to have to think, or make decisions for themselves. They want to be perpetual children whose daddy/church/government “takes care” of them. Life is easy if you don’t have to think about any of the hard things, or make any of the hard choices. All of this of course only applies if you are part of the “in” group.
This poll is a pretty sobering indication of how much work we have to do:
So yes, there are all the caveats about how much (or how little) faith should be put into the accuracy of any modern poll, and it’s certainly not all good news for Trump since a majority of registered voters still disapprove of his performance. But the fact that, after everything, he still appears to have an approval rating that’s about as high as he’s ever had, is pretty damn disappointing.
It’s clearly contemptuous, but I don’t know if that’s enough (legally speaking).
How much of this crap has to keep happening before some grownup steps up and starts hauling these assholes into court?
Hearing at 4.
What that tells me is that those who approve of him will always approve of him. Even when it’s them agsinst the wall. Add this to the long-and-getting-longer list of things i just cannot grasp. Nor thought i would ever need to. What i do understand is that my already-low opinion of most of my fellow staight white males was far too optimistic.
Which would be the bulk of the population. At least after a while, when the dissidents have been dealt with. In an authoritarian state there is no opt out as such, per definitionem. At best, there’s the odd niche to hide in.
Yes, and while they may not be a majority that floor in approval ratings is still big enough to prevent his removal through impeachment no matter what he does. But I guess we already knew that based on the fact that Senate Republicans refused to convict even after he sent a violent mob after them.
Exactly. Way too many folks don’t understand that a fascist must have an enemy to frighten the populace with. Immigrants and trans are filling that role now, but there will be others. Academics, liberals, not-white citizens who “don’t know their place,” similar with women, fascists who don’t fasc hard enough, it just keeps going. “First they came for…” seems to have been forgotten.