I wonder if places like the WI Dells, which rely on foreign seasonal workers are going to have difficulty this year.
Yeah, I wanted to go either this year or the next to see my dear friends (planned a quick trip to Boston, then GaryCon), but I cancelled any further plans until Mango Mussolini – and his sidekick Toxic ManToddler – gets out and situation normalizes. I was already quite wary of visiting the country (ICE has always been a bit arbitrary, even under normal presidents) but now is basically a 100% NO THANKS.
Now trying to convince my US friends to come visit me – and if they want they can stay
My main concern is that some of my friends are my father’s age (closer to 70) so… who knows if in 4 years I will be able to see them
The White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (OPPR)—established by a congressional statute in 2022 in response to failures during the COVID-19 pandemic—used to include a staff of around 20 people. Now, only one staffer remains, and it’s unclear who they report to. The OPPR director has been moved to the National Security Council (NSC).
Why would they do this? Well,
Meanwhile, health secretary and anti-vaccine advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has suggested that poultry farmers should let the virus run rampant through flocks rather than safely cull them, which is currently required. Farmers “should consider maybe the possibility of letting it run through the flock so that we can identify the birds, and preserve the birds, that are immune to it,” Kennedy, who has no health or science background, said during an interview on Fox News
There’s a road block on the corner
they put up from time to time
They say we need a witness
To a very serious crimeWe’re living in a police state
Fear behind each door
Living in a police state
State of marshal lawDo the police give you protection
or are they just a waste of time
Will there ever be a witness
To a very serious crimeWe’re living in a police state
Fear behind each door
Living in a police state
State of marshal law
NY State Police - UK Subs
We have an administration that has gone on the record saying that lack of evidence of criminal activity is, in itself, evidence of just how criminal someone is. It would follow that lack of knowledge or contamination by facts would qualify him to be a genius. I really wish I could (/s) this, but I cannot.
I was wondering why he posted this today, he seems to be bragging or suggesting there is no problem.
Wow, data from a no-longer independent group that he now controls! As he begs for eggs from Denmark and Lithuania, I’m sure the prices will drop any day now.
Of course, not culling infected birds means the bird flu will accelerate.
Or maybe there aren’t many more birds to cull? It takes a while for chicks to mature into layers, so no eggs. And once you kill a million birds on your million bird farm, there aren’t any more to kill.
So. Much. Winning.
(Not that this is the case, not all the birds are dead, but places that took this seriously and took (expensive) precautions may not be as affected. Unfortunately poultry isn’t my area, so I’m just spitballing. Most likely it’s just not reporting actual numbers so they can say they have it under control and high egg prices are a liberal Soros Canadian retribution plot, and not the failed policy of the administration.)
Well, the rich have no intention of skipping their omelettes.
I’d bet the new regime’s focus on doing the opposite of Biden policy and crowing about it means they missed a lot of 'em.
As paraphrased from an alarming report about new strains, a million infected birds means a million new chances for mutations:
Canada has cut back on fentanyl shipments and replaced them with eggs.
Consider, if you will, the devilish cunning of this move.
would love to place punishing tariffs on eggs, but that would raise the price, which
has sworn to reduce.
Checkmate Canada!
I love that this is apparently a picture of a crumpled paper, since you can see the creases and such. So unprofessional that he couldn’t even just post the image.
And bird flu now follows his genius plan he had for COVID - don’t test (cull) and you won’t find anything!
Glad to know an epidemic (not pandemic, since other countries will take action) of a disease with 60% fatality rate is coming.
Not even close. Every replication gives a new chance for mutation. Any infection involves billions of duplications. For a rapidly evolving, unstable virus like influenza, this guarantees new strains arising. What the actual characteristics will be is utterly unpredictable, but some of them will be not our friends. This is about the worst possible strategy, unless you are on Team Influenza. For that, it is ideal.
But you can keep your bird feeder up.