Simple answer, yes. Yes, we picked some random brown guys and shipped them into slavery to show we could. This is a warning to anyone who opposes Il Douche that they could be next. No defense, no court hearings, just disappeared. We have fallen a hell of a long way.
In a word: ego. Which is why anyone who has been suckered by him probably can never be convinced to change their opinion.
A pill-based vaccine seems novel. Are there any examples that are currently in the market?
Next, they’ll remove covid shots from the US market. We’ll have to go north or south of the border to get them. Although I suppose once they discourage anyone from coming to the US, they find way to discourage us from leaving, or else we’ll end up in El Salvador.
Vivotif for typhoid is a pill-based vaccine, but is a weakened live vaccine, so not the same thing at all. There are vaccines for nasal delivery, but not aware of any other pill forms.
Guilty until proven innocent. That’s how the rule of law law of rule works now in Donny’s fascist regime.
One of the few ‘holy grail’ goals in the pharma world (of which i’m effectively retired now) was an oral pharmaceutical which would stimulate an immune response …that is, an oral vaccine. Last i heard, and exactly as you indicate, the anti-typhoid was the only …European approved (non-US/FDA) approved approach, and yes, it was just swallowing a live, handicapped form of the pathogenic bacteria itself.
Finding oral forms of all manner of therapeutics is a multi-billion dollar area of research. The fat pill being the absolute focus. …and lo, it’s still injected. we were often told an injectable ‘fat pill’ would never be approved, then it snuck in via the diabetic semaglutide/ozempic side path [shrug]
Seem like concentration camps to me. Any guesses on how long until they are death camps? I have no optimism left.
Yes - but in another country at its expense. The only cost to the US is the flights - Donny doesn’t have to pony up for building any in the US. Shame for his private prison-profiting buddies in the US though, but Donny wants the victims exported just to prove he can and to throw red meat to his ‘base’.
Well, El Salvador, and Trump is paying (IIRC) $6 mill to send people there. Still cheaper (and harder to generate outrage about) than doing so in the US. Not to mention, outside of the jurisdiction of US courts, who might have something to say about the cruel and unusual punishments. Maybe.
Oops - edited. Venezuelans to El Salvador, yes. Thanks.
And $6m is peanuts compared to the cost of building ‘facilities’ in the US, as you note.
Yeah, as people have pointed out, the US has plenty of actually convicted gang members they could have shipped out, but instead they chose those who hadn’t been convicted. It was a very deliberate choice.
It’s not that consistent. The “guilt” exists within Trump’s bullshit space - someone is “guilty” if he wants them to be, regardless of the lack of evidence, and someone can also be “innocent” if he wants them to be, regardless of the mountain of evidence against them.
It’s starting to get out into the news outlets…
Yeah - well my use of the word ‘proven’ there was doing a lot of work. Only Donald can ‘prove’ anything these days, of course. Everything else is ‘fake’.
Looks like the judge is squashing that right out of the gate.
A fraudster, always, makes the loudest noise, screaming, yelling, and complaining.
I’m just going to let that one sit there for contemplation &/or the irony meter to break.