Even this late into his political game, his astounding stupidity and ignorance continue to shock me. He really is nothing but a toddler in an old man’s body.
BuT tRUmPZ An IzOLAtI0NIzT!!! hE W4NTz PEaZE!!! /S
Putin wants peace too. It’s so terrible to have these wars where people fight back.
If only they’d just GIVE UP and surrender to Pooty-poots imperialist whims!!! /s
Is the “ethics” report bias and mental to smear him?
What are you, a 13yo tiktoker?
I’m not a prescriptivist, but goddamn it, “bias” is a noun to which the adjective is “biased”.
And the plural is “biapodes.”
Once Trump realizes how maps have been lying to him all this time about Greenland’s size and that it’s not actually about as big as Africa, we can look forward to a war on the “fake news” Mercator projection.
Or he could correct the map with his Sharpie.
Fan or hater?
I can’t believe I’m entertaining this, but I still have to ask: Trade with whom, exactly?
Is one obligated to sing the “5 billionaires” like “5… gold-en… rings!” ? -sigh-
hypothetically, Denmark, one might suppose. needless to say (so why am i saying it?) it ain’t gonna happen.
Greenland is an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark, meaning it is politically associated with Denmark but has its own local government. The citizens of Greenland are also full citizens of Denmark.