Well, that would be my first thought. Second being, “I hope he took Steve Bannon with him.”
I never expected any sort of jail time despite all the fuckery that took place during the trial. He should serve jail time — he openly antagonized the judge, his family, and court staff. He continually violated his gag order. He of course committed many crimes. But, I never expected any jail time.
I do hope at the very least he gets a sizable fine and some community service. To get off with no kind of punishment at all, even a token one, would be a true injustice.
ianal (@danimagoo ?) but if i read correctly trump’ll get off scot-free link"[the court will] execute an ‘unconditional discharge’ and impose no penalties against Trump." link"Such a sentence would allow the conviction to stand but without Trump being fined, locked up or having to serve probation." that is, the judgement stands but there’s no penalty other than it stays ‘on the books’. And yet, trump will appeal even this, to some even more pliable court mostly to gain endless legal time with nothing resulting. @#$!! No one will ever be able to assert “No one is above the law” around me without getting a glare and the word ‘trump’ spat back at them.
Oh, there’s never any rule about things like this. You can give as much or as little as you think the leader deserves, and will see if he feels properly appreciated or not in due time.
Yeah, that’s what it looks like is going to happen. Not even a slap on the wrist, or even a good scolding. Nothing but a “this will go down on your permanent record.” Honestly…I can’t even get mad over this shit anymore. For whatever reason, Trump is just never going to face any consequences for anything. I have never, ever wished for anyone’s death. Until now. I wish he would die. It’s clearly the only way we’ll be rid of him. Now…to be perfectly clear, I am not wishing violence on him. I am still a pacifist. I just wish all those Big Macs and KFC would catch up with him. As soon as possible. And yes, then we’ll be stuck with Vance, and he’s got his own level of evil and suckiness, but I want to be done with Trump. I just can’t take much more of this.
Hm. During the debate, it was Biden who passed Proud Boys to the moderator, who put it to Trump. I don’t know if Trump really knew who the Proud Boys were.
Until his inauguration, he can’t issue any decrees.
Well, technically he can’t, but I think that if he bellows a demand, frightened functionaries will likely make it happen.
Rage, rage against the dying by the right.
Utterly horrific. Might underscore that this was six years ago, and RFKjr (and associates) are actively culpable in the deaths of these innocent folks (48 children!).
Kennedy visited Samoa in June, appearing alongside local anti-vaccine advocates and even a staff member of the US embassy. In November, Kennedy’s organization sent a letter to the Samoan prime minister, encouraging officials to question the MMR vaccine. Kennedy peddles the false and dangerous claim that vaccines are linked to autism, despite the fact that numerous scientific studies have robustly debunked the baseless claim.
If/when RFKjr is ‘advise and consented’ by the Senate prior to being installed as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (@#$!!!) please let it be that this exact event will be asserted at length.
Plus probably considerably more who had a really Not Fun Experience.
I’m old enough to have had measles and some of the rest, and I can’t imagine what kind of monster wouldn’t want to protect kids from that.
I hope every defendant in front of Merchan from now on files a civil rights objection if they are sentenced more harshly than T**** for similar crimes. It would seen to be a positive defense that if a 34-count convicted felon with dozens of parallel pending state and federal indictments gets a slap on the wrist, then someone who, say, defrauds a health insurer in order to get medical coverage sure as hell shouldn’t even get a fine.
@OWYAC [can of worms], yup “thar 'tis”, as my grandaddy used to say.
we used to believe that no one was above the law.
i do not believe that any longer.
such a quaint notion as “justice” has never been more than a cute dream, a story we told ourselves to be able to sleep at night. no longer. that total myth has exploded in our faces like a homemade bottle rocket and it is anybody’s guess as to what comes of this episode where the charade is lost and the reality sets in…
Fuck the King!
After a while the paragraphs disappeared.
I think that rogue writers still need editors.