here are all the poll details they saw fit to release.
they got 2,128 to take the survey (after phoning an unreleased number who didn’t answer). then they tell us that of those 2,128 who answered 1,022 are republican and 1,025 are democratic (that’s really too 50:50 to believe they didn’t cherrypick). then they ask push poll questions like “Immigrants today are a burden on our country” to which the republicans ‘agree’ 68% and democrats ‘agree’ 17% and subsequent questions which pretty much follow push polling expectations.
In the middle they ask (question #9), how you’re feeling about trump being elected, and the republicans said 43% “excited” and “42%” “optimistic” (democrats in the single digits; but really?? 2% of democrats are excited trump was elected?) then they average percentages and conclude [my paraphrasing] nasty trumpy policies are more supported than trump.
averaging percentages is asking for trouble particularly when not factoring in the listed percentages who refused to answer a specific question - thereby ignoring any intrinsic weight. anyway, they are supporting their conclusion on clear and discounted push polling techniques. (e.g. “Given that XYZ is a terrible thing, do you agree that XYZ ought to be stopped?”)
"…writer Jonathan V. Last wrote, “The job of the Democratic party comes in two parts. First: Do not help Republicans. Not in any way. Second: Make Donald Trump own every bad outcome that happens, anywhere in the world.”
President Barack Obama found the presidency to be an exhaustingly taxing job, so much so that he famously went to somewhat mind-blowing lengths to limit the nonpresidential decisions he had to make in order to stay keen enough to handle the toughest of the choices on his plate. Trump, by contrast, mostly showed up late to work and watched cable news all day. Had the coronavirus not emerged as a global threat, he might have made it through his first term having not felt the pressure of the job at all. In his second term, it should be the task of liberals to force Trump to swallow a daily spoonful of the very real job stress that Obama struggled so mightily to endure.
To get there, liberals need to get into the business of identifying the problems that real Americans face (which honestly, is something they could stand to relearn how to do) and more forcefully blame Trump for those problems’ continued existence. They need to raise a hue and cry over everything under the sun that’s broken, dysfunctional, or trending in the wrong direction; pile line items on Trump’s to-do list, wake him up early and keep him up late. Every day, get in front of cable news cameras and reporters’ notepads with a new problem for Trump to solve and fresh complaints about the work not done.
All the right wing wackadoodles on Facebook and twitter that wanted the evil Chinese company banned are now telling people not to worry trump will reverse the ban.
They all hate things until they’re told not hate things.
Maybe their leader should tell them to not hate people.